Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP



šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚āœ‹šŸ¤£ You're being abandoned, Taber.

She could be getting on the truck if you want xD
Sol could have thought she was on a different Transport, I promise he didn't forget about her.. I, uhm... did... šŸ˜

MJ, Sarcastic, we can say they are waiting for a few last minute details before the truck pulls out, so if we want Cas and the dudes to interact, or Hi and Sol, or really anything while we wait for Eclipse, that's cool.
ā€œK kid, I think itā€™s time to go,ā€ Sunspot stood, lightly flicking Shard with her tail. Eclipse wasnā€™t back yet.

Sunspot made her way towards the transport trucks, stopping to make sure Shard was following. The little IceWing stuck close to the SolarWingā€™s tail.

Sunspot looked out towards the entrance of the cavern. Something had happened. Eclipse shouldā€™ve made it back by now.

Should I wait?

She looked back towards the transports, which were now loading dragons. If anything, Sunspot would rather take off now and go home rather than be stuck in there going to suns know where with a bunch of strangers.

But she couldnā€™t leave Shard. Sunspot stretched out a wing to protect the dragonet from being crushed underfoot.
ā€œK kid, I think itā€™s time to go,ā€ Sunspot stood, lightly flicking Shard with her tail. Eclipse wasnā€™t back yet.

Sunspot made her way towards the transport trucks, stopping to make sure Shard was following. The little IceWing stuck close to the SolarWingā€™s tail.

Sunspot looked out towards the entrance of the cavern. Something had happened. Eclipse shouldā€™ve made it back by now.

Should I wait?

She looked back towards the transports, which were now loading dragons. If anything, Sunspot would rather take off now and go home rather than be stuck in there going to suns know where with a bunch of strangers.

But she couldnā€™t leave Shard. Sunspot stretched out a wing to protect the dragonet from being crushed underfoot.
Shard bounded excitedly beside Sunspot, flitting her wings to try and wave off some of the heat emitting from the Solarwing's scales.
"Eclipse isn't back yet," she murmured, glancing out toward the rolling desert. The horizon was painted a pale gray as dawn began to creep over the continent.
The Icewing fidgeted with her razor claws for a moment. "She told me to go on the truck, but I want to wait for her." Shard turned her piercing dark blue gaze on Sunspot. "Are you gonna wait for her? Should I wait for her?"

(Yeah, I think I will wait to RP Eclipse until Ace drops in or she actually makes it to the cavern, because there's not gonna be much except walking through the desert, lol)
Vel scowled. "Respect the dead, idiot." She gave a heavy sigh, her eyes on the approaching intersection snaking its way through the desert. "You don't deserve to know."

Alicanto rolled his eyes.
"Well technically," he started, a touch of annoyance edging his light tone. "You swore to obey my every command if I allowed you to ask Tobias your question." He tilted his head sideways slightly, giving her a cocky look from the corner of his eyes.
"So, Rainwing, I hereby command you to tell me who Roe is." He paused a moment.
"Oh yeah, and it might be easier if I caught your name," Alicanto added with a shrug

@_-Captain BRM-_
Alyssia grabbed the luggage in the trunk of the limo and rummaged through the belongings. She grabbed some of the nice clothes, got into the limo and changed. She stepped out and told the others that it was time to enact the plan. Making their way to the Scorpion Den entrance, they were stopped by the guards.
She turned towards Austin, "Now, remember, you're just supposed to be the nightwing hunter guy who was helping to guide us to where we needed to be." He nodded, a slight smile gracing his face which Alyssia didn't notice. His hands were behind his back as if he were hiding something.
"Who's there!" one of the guards shouted, his dragon rising into an attacking position as he barked an order to it. Alyssia put on her best acting face and strode forward, "I'm Jasmine Sorenson."
(I legit don't remember her last name and I'm too lazy to go back and find it sooooo, that's her name now. XD)
The guard looked at a tablet he was holding and then back at her, a skeptical look crossing his face. "Aight, if yer Miss Jackson, then where's yer fiance, Mr. Jack Sutherland."
Alyssia's heart skipped a beat. I didn't think they needed both of us.
"Uh, he's uh," she stuttered, trying to get something out of her mouth. I can do this! Just think of something....anything. Her mind went back to the conversation she'd had earlier with Austin. Ugh! Alyssia, don't let him be right. Say something! The guard must've noticed her slow response because his eyebrow raised and he started forward towards them along with his dragon.
"My fiance, he's been called away on other-"
"I'm right here!" came a voice from behind the dragons. Austin had changed, now wearing a nice suit and tie. He smiled a sly smile at her and winked. Putting his arm around her shoulders he walked all the way towards the guards. "We are both here." He leaned a little closer to the guard, but spoke loud enough that Alyssia could hear. "She's a little slow sometimes." He leaned back and continued, "Are you satisfied?" He gave the guard a cocky smile, "Or should I tell someone higher up of your behavior?"
The guards eyes went wide and ushered them in. "'Av a nice time!" They walked in, and Austin barked a command for the dragons following them to come into the Scorpion Den. Alyssia hoped they didn't mind and followed them.
Anger began boiling inside of Alyssia. Who does he think he is! This was my plan! She shrugged off his arm and continued walking, but this time a little farther from him.
"What was that!" she whispered harshly to him.
A grin came to his face, "Saving you from what I knew would happen." Alyssia glared at him. Maybe he wasn't the stud she thought he was. Or, maybe he was trying to help them.
They continued and were shown their separate rooms. Their dragons were allowed to stay with them but only after a little negotiating which Austin did.
After having gotten settled into their individual rooms, they met up, going to watch some dragon fights.
"What do you really want out of this, Austin?" she said as they walked down the hall, arm in arm in order to play their part.
He smiled devilishly. "You haven't figured it out yet?" his good manners seemingly gone. "I wanted to get into the Scorpion Den and now that I'm Mr. Sutherland, I have all kinds of money to spend in here." He looked at her, "And, now that you all are in here, you have no choice but to let me help you because you need me. You're trapped in here and I'm your only way out."
Alyssia's blood boiled. She glared into his triumphant hazel eyes. Without her even realizing it, her hand whipped up and slapped him across the face hard.
His hand shot up to his face and he looked around. The hallway they were in was empty and he looked back at her, anger in his eyes. "Are you trying to blow our cover!?"
"You're a selfish jerk!" she bellowed at him. Spinning on her heels she started walking back to her room. Looking around, she realized that all the hallways looked like a maze. She didn't know which way she'd come. Gritting her teeth she turned back towards Austin. His shoulders shook slightly as he chuckled at her naiveness and her anger grew even more. How did I even SLIGHTLY like this guy? He was just pretending.... Hurt and angry she stood there and waited. He did too. Footsteps sounded down the hallway and her skipped a beat. What am I supposed to DO! I have to act like I'm IN LOVE with this piece of trash! Swallowing hard, she shuffled over to him started walking beside him. Down the hall, they went to see dragons which were going to be auctioned off. Austin talked business with them, playing his part perfectly. She smiled and tried to join in, but every fiber of her being wanted to get away from the person who had deceived her completely.
Instead of pay attention to them, she looked at all the dragons. They seemed to be scarred and tortured. Eventually, they made their way to the arena where they were to watch a fight.
Alyssia's eyes went wide as a seawing entered the arena. No! She looked at the dragon, the deep blue scales exactly like the dragon's that she had come to the Scorpion Den with. The other dragon was a large fiery dragon and her breath got faster. They're gonna kill each other. She forgot all about Austin and her mind was completely on the two dragons fighting. The seawing was going crazy and Alyssia's mind was screaming at her. She'd never witnessed something so cruel and awful. Tears began to well up in her eyes as the seawing was growing weaker and weaker.
She turned towards Austin, "There has to be something we can do!"
He gestured for her to keep her voice down and whispered back, "There's nothing we can do. It's a fight to the death and these people want to see dragon blood."
"But! We can't just let the dragon die! He....he...." she turned away from him, hiding a tear about to escape her eye. Seeing the seawing jumping at the fire dragon and burning itself every time drove her to tears again. She gripped Austin's arm, "Please! Do something! I can't take this!"
He hesitated, considering his options. Finally, he looked around at the weird stares they were getting from the others around them and he got up from his chair. Walking over to one of the head people of the fight, he spoke with them and they hastily left. People began to enter the arena as the seawing collapsed and Alyssia was afraid they were going to kill the blue dragon. Instead, they put it into a cage and wheeled him away while also getting the fiery dragon under control.
They left the arena and Alyssia could feel a small bit of gratitude for what Austin did, but then remembered his actions from earlier and her anger went up again.
They went back to their rooms and told the other dragons what happened. Evening was creeping in and she and Austin were preparing to make their way to one of the lots that was auctioning dragons the next day.
Night came and they went with their dragons in tow. Going down one of the halls of the maze, they heard screams and dragon roars. Gunshots split the air and Austin took the lead, unsure of what could possibly be happening. They attempted to make their way out of the hall and back the way they came.
Austin had heard rumors of a rebellion, but he didn't think that they would ever have the materials or support to pull it off. He grabbed Alyssia's hand and pulled her back the way they had come.
"Austin, what's happening!" Alyssia asked, fear evident in her eyes. He just kept going and gave her a reassuring look that she probably didn't even accept. They ran back down the hall, dragons in tow and looking out for humans and dragons alike. More footsteps came from their direction and he looked at Alyssia, fear starting to creep into his own eyes. They were almost trapped in the middle of the rebellion. He looked around and found an empty lot that they slipped into.
Alyssia followed Austin, not sure what to make of the situation. Fear started to grip her and she could do nothing but follow him. As they hid, she looked around the corner to see humans and dragons alike running down the hall and muttering to each other. A streak of dark blue went by and she met eyes briefly with an aqua blue color. Her jaw dropped and Austin pulled her back behind the wall, hiding her. Was that him? I thought he was severely injured.

Austin gave the twins orders to stay with Alyssia and then motioned for Blackout and Whitestar to follow him out into the hallway to see if they could find a way out of this messy situation.
basically, this scene ends when the last rebellion trucks are pulling out of the truckyard.

Whitestar's heart was pounding as he sprinted down the maze-like halls after Austin and Alyssia.
Their adventure in the Scorpion Den had come and begun so quickly, he was still reeling from it. He had almost been certain when they were entering the city the first time that the plan would fail and they would all be torn to pieces. He didn't think he could ever forget the look in the guard Nightwing's eyes when Alyssia froze up, the obsidian black dragon pacing forward, his eyes fixed particularly on Whitestar. The hunter had been nearly twice his size, and Whitestar wasn't sure if the hatred was directed at him as a possible intruder or as an Icewing.
But somehow they had made it through. Whitestar could practically feel the Nigthwing's gaze burning into his scales as he passed, and couldn't shake the feeling all the way through the Den until he was safe behind the walls of Alyssia's room
He hadn't even had time to fully wrap his mind around the fact they had successfully broken into the Scorpion Den when suddenly they were back on the streets and in the halls.
He remembered nearly pouncing on Austin when he had finally shown Alyssia the true reason for helping them sneak in, and it was only the approaching humans that had stopped him. He could tell that Blackout felt the same, but they were both forced to contain themselves.
And then the fights started.
Whitestar had recognized one of the dragons that had fought, particularly, the one fight where Alyssia could no longer bear to watch. The huge Solarwing, fighting the deranged Seawing.
He recognized him from an old lesson on the tribes, and it disgusted him that the humans would actually bring royalty into this place and put them down to such an animalistic level. The desire to blast frost breath over the heads of the creatures every time they screamed in delight at the blood and violence was almost uncontainable, and through most of the fights, thick, icy mist was swirling out the sides of Whitestars snout.
But Alyssia had managed to convince Austin to make them stop, and before he knew it, they were out in the Den again.
And then they reached the courtyard.
Whitestar instantly recognized it from the vision he had seen in the tidepool. And as they passed, he slowed his pace as much as he could without completely stopping, raking his gaze over each of the cages, desperately searching for the familiar silver scales. A Skywing or two, a Sandwing, a Cloudwing, and a Solarwing. He remembered painstakingly glancing between each one, over and over, just in case the unbearable heat from the sun was making him hallucinate. But there was no Lunarwing among them.
And now suddenly they were here, in this neverending labyrinth of doors and walls, running from the sound of roars and screams and the deafening thundering of human weapons always firing. The noise echoed confusingly off every surface, making it seem as if they were surrounded by an invisible war, and every now and then, he saw glimpses of blood, or humans, or a flash of scales.
And of course, the bodies.
Humans and dragons. Most of the scavengers were wearing the same or similar uniforms as the guards at the city entrances, but others were more randomized and more personal. There were dragons from all sorts of tribes sprawled on the floor, some of them twisted in horrific ways as if they'd died horribly and suddenly. A few were followed by a thick trail of blood and lay there as if they'd simply given up. Others were completely unrecognizable.
Whitestar skidded on the slick ground as Austin suddenly turned into one of the lots, ordering the others in. He quickly leapt through the heavy iron door, glancing over his shoulder as it shut, Alyssia being the last one through. He was certain he saw a flash of scales a millisecond before the door shut.
Whitestar stood panting in the large room, glancing around. There were a pair of cages against one wall, but they were opened and empty. Aside from those two things, the room was completely empty. He tried running the past few hours through his mind, hoping to think of some sort of plan as to what to do next.
A pointless endeavor, as Austin was already ordering him and Blackout to head back out into the maze-like hallways to find out what was happening. Whitestar growled quietly as he followed the self-righteous dragon hunter back out into the labyrinth.
The chaos had finally died down, though the sounds of hustle and struggle could still occasionally in more distant parts of the maze.

Whitestar waited a moment, watching Austin sharply as he closed the door to the room. He glanced briefly at Blackout before whipping his tail around and flicking the human across the back of the head, not hard enough to knock him out or really effect his focus, but enough for it to hurt.
"I should have figured," he growled, more icy mist curling from his snout. "Why else would you want to help us? Nothing about you makes you any less a part of the Scorpion Den than you were before we met you. You shouldn't have tricked Alyssia like that--she doesn't know better, and she really wanted to trust you. That was a low stunt you pulled."
Whitestar smacking Austin (because I thought it'd be funny :rolleyes:)

Daaaang!!! You pulled that off well! Though, I died laughing at the end because I was NOT expecting Whitestar to do that XD

Austin closed the door behind him and told Alyssia, Bamboo, and Apple to stay inside. He turned around and immediately regretted his decision to take these two dragons. Pain erupted on the back of his head and his eyes blacked out for a second. He grabbed the wall and steadied himself as his sight returned. Looking up, he saw Whitestar, a look of disgust on his face.
"I should have figured. Why else would you want to help us? Nothing about you makes you any less a part of the Scorpion Den than you were before we met you." The icy words stung and Austin pushed the thoughts aside. He glared at the icy beast, allowing a grin to spread across his face. The dragon continued, "You shouldn't have tricked Alyssia like that--she doesn't know better, and she really wanted to trust you. That was a low stunt you pulled."
The words hung in his mind. He had felt slightly bad about what he had done. He had kept pushing away the guilt of what he was doing, just saying that he had to, but now this ice dragon was bringing those emotions back. His grin remained on his face as he replied, "Now, now, Whitestar. I'm sure we can agree that we would've all done the same thing if we were captured by our enemies. You would've manipulated just the same as I did if you were captured here in the Scorpion Den in order to escape. I was just simply using my resources to escape my captors and enemies. Alyssia unfortunately had to be one of them."
Austin gave a quick glance at Blackout, knowing that what he said probably infuriated the black dragon. He started down the now deserted hall ridden with bodies, his mind now focused on what was happening. In the distance he heard the sound of trucks driving away. They must've gotten some dragons out somehow! I never thought that a bunch of dragons could actually pull that off. Thought, they had some help from some traitorous humans I'm sure. He saw more and more bodies and began to check some of the humans he saw for pulses. Glancing back at the others he tried to justify himself. "Plus! I'm still technically being nice to you. I could turn you in, but I'm helping you find your dragon buddies. I'm not being totally unreasonable now am I?"
Austin finally ticking Whitestar off

Whitestar opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, seething as he tried to find the words to say beneath his anger. Curtains of mist were now pouring from between his teeth and out of his nostrils, and every time he clamped his mouth shut again, small flecks of ice fizzed out the sides of his snout.
"The only reason you are here right now is because we needed your help. Whether you were willing to give it to us or not," Whitestar finally snapped, his tail shuddering violently and then thrashing. "Did you consider once that maybe, the only reason we were doing any of this is because the dragons we are trying to help mean more to us than our own freedom? I think that you could spare a little of your time, however inconvenient it may be to have to endure working with us for two days. You don't have any excuse--at least, not a good one--for hurting Alyssia the way that you did." He snorted, small shards of frost swirling on his freezing breath. "But then again, what would I expect from a dragon hunter?"
Whitestar turned away from Blackout and Austin, trying to control his rage. He sat down at the corner of one of the halls, forcing his breathing to slow as his tail twitched and lashed violently. He glanced every now and then up and down the tunnel, making sure no humans would spot them. A part of him was slowly growing more and more disappointed in himself for losing his composure so fiercely as he tried to calm down, but every time he so much as thought of the hunter and his self-righteous excuses, he felt the ice build in his chest again, and the tidal wave of anger came spilling back into his mind.
Whitestar finally losing his cool for a moment

Austin waited patiently for Whitestar to finish. He kept his mouth shut as the stinging words came seething out from the mist-covered mouth. He turned away as Whitestar left towards the corner to calm himself down. Austin waved his hand dismissively in his direction and started towards more bodies.
I don't have a good excuse for hurting Alyssia like I did... His angry thoughts started flying through his head. His anger started to rise and he considered just turning them in and returning to his role as Austin the dragon hunter. Whitestar's words played through his mind again.
"But then again, what would you expect from a dragon hunter?" The line played over and over as he continued checking bodies, pretending like he didn't care what Whitestar had said. Of course that's what you would think of a dragon hunter.... If it wasn't for Alyssia, you all would already be in cages...or worse. She's the only reason I don't turn you over immediately.
He looked at Blackout, knowing that he would agree with what Whitestar had said. "Aw, c'mon Blackout. You know you would've done the exact same thing in my position if you had to." Leaving his comment that way, he continued down the hall towards the main room where the bullets and fighting had sounded, careful not to make too much sound as he got closer. He saw more and more people coming down the hall as Scorpion Den guards showed up to assess the situation.
Bodies were strewn all over the ground and Austin scanned for anyone he knew. He recognized several of the dragons and hunters laying lifeless on the ground now and his anger started to build more. Not that he had been super great friends with them, but the images brought back memories and anger along with it. And, this is why we treat those dragons the way we do...
Hunters were walking by either carrying or dragging wounded to the infirmary. One was being dragged by some hunters and he briefly caught a glimpse of the person being dragged. Blood stained his black shirt and Austin knew he'd seen him before.
Austin mentally warring about what Whitestar said.

Citrus ran down down the hallway, looking for an exit, would he be free? Could he make it? He was so lost in his thoughts, that he ran into three dragons he didn't even know were there. "hi there" he said nervously
{Enter Citrus}
I am just moving the spoiler again so it's easier for you to read Lydia
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