Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Ok, that was before he went in then lol. Following now.

Helios picked up the rambling human and started after Sol as he entered a sort of bunker type building.
The red dragon caught her eye, and Lueria watched him round the corner and vanish from sight. It wasn't Sol. But there was a certain resemblance in several aspects.
She waited for an uncertain moment.
Sol and Tobias. Oh, that was weird.
It was a passed life, a faint memory she wished hadn't been awoken.
The way Sol had looked at her. He was different. Something big had changed, and Leuria was curious.
She followed the SolarWing.
The red dragon caught her eye, and Lueria watched him round the corner and vanish from sight. It wasn't Sol. But there was a certain resemblance in several aspects.
She waited for an uncertain moment.
Sol and Tobias. Oh, that was weird.
It was a passed life, a faint memory she wished hadn't been awoken.
The way Sol had looked at her. He was different. Something big had changed, and Leuria was curious.
She followed the SolarWing.
Helios found a way through the door, (idk if it’s locked or not lol) his scales beginning to emit a small amount of light to brighten the space around him. Archer held on tight to the tendrils along the kings back, asking him so many questions he could barely think of an answer for one before several more took its place. “Sol?” Helios shouted, his voice echoing along the halls for a few seconds, making the tunnel seem longer then it was. “Sol are you in here?” He shouted, But as he did he caught sight of a dragon behind him, lurking in the shadowy tunnel. He turned quickly, the human finally shutting his mouth and staying quiet. “Hello? Who’s there?” He asked, the scales on his chest beginning to emanate a warm red light as he built up a blast of fire within him.
“Show yourself.”

( Dr. Doom )
Gen vanished, and Sol's head snapped up.
"Don't go." The SolarWing whispered to the empty air. "You shouldn't be alone."
Gen let his shape flicker into view to show he hadn't yet moved.
"You shouldn't be alone." Sol repeated.
Gen stared down at Tobias. "I am going to get help." He said.
"Come back, then." Sol whispered.
"I'll come back."
Gen left.
Sol glanced wearily towards Eclipse. He gave her an exhausted, forced smile of reassurance. He turned away, feeling his smile vanish.
Helios found a way through the door, (idk if it’s locked or not lol) his scales beginning to emit a small amount of light to brighten the space around him. Archer held on tight to the tendrils along the kings back, asking him so many questions he could barely think of an answer for one before several more took its place. “Sol?” Helios shouted, his voice echoing along the halls for a few seconds, making the tunnel seem longer then it was. “Sol are you in here?” He shouted, But as he did he caught sight of a dragon behind him, lurking in the shadowy tunnel. He turned quickly, the human finally shutting his mouth and staying quiet. “Hello? Who’s there?” He asked, the scales on his chest beginning to emanate a warm red light as he built up a blast of fire within him.
“Show yourself.”

( Dr. Doom )
Eclipse looked away from Sol, easily seeing the utter exhaustion clouding his eyes. She hoped that his sudden distant behavior was because of Tobias and not her. That it would pass. At the same time, she kept trying, and failing, to tell herself she didn't care. Dragons would come and they would go, and she would just be a passing moment in their life they would soon forget.
But moments that kept replaying in her mind, like when she'd talked to Sol after arriving at the checkpoint, when he'd come back for her after the battle in the desert, when he had opened up to her in the transport. He had felt like a real friend.
And that terrified her most. That she'd actually dared to consider him a friend.
You're overreacting, Eclipse thought sharply, cutting herself out of her spiraling thoughts. He'll get over whatever this is and Tobias will be fine. And if not--well what do you care?
Eclipse's jumped slightly as Helios's voice sliced through the jumbled murmuring in the bunker. Almost every dragon in the room lifted their heads and turned in the direction of the hallway.
"Sol are you in here?"
Eclipse glanced across the room at the younger Solarwing, amusement flickering across her face as his father called out to him.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Helios found a way through the door, (idk if it’s locked or not lol) his scales beginning to emit a small amount of light to brighten the space around him. Archer held on tight to the tendrils along the kings back, asking him so many questions he could barely think of an answer for one before several more took its place. “Sol?” Helios shouted, his voice echoing along the halls for a few seconds, making the tunnel seem longer then it was. “Sol are you in here?” He shouted, But as he did he caught sight of a dragon behind him, lurking in the shadowy tunnel. He turned quickly, the human finally shutting his mouth and staying quiet. “Hello? Who’s there?” He asked, the scales on his chest beginning to emanate a warm red light as he built up a blast of fire within him.
“Show yourself.”

( Dr. Doom )
Eclipse looked away from Sol, easily seeing the utter exhaustion clouding his eyes. She hoped that his sudden distant behavior was because of Tobias and not her. That it would pass. At the same time, she kept trying, and failing, to tell herself she didn't care. Dragons would come and they would go, and she would just be a passing moment in their life they would soon forget.
But moments that kept replaying in her mind, like when she'd talked to Sol after arriving at the checkpoint, when he'd come back for her after the battle in the desert, when he had opened up to her in the transport. He had felt like a real friend.
And that terrified her most. That she'd actually dared to consider him a friend.
You're overreacting, Eclipse thought sharply, cutting herself out of her spiraling thoughts. He'll get over whatever this is and Tobias will be fine. And if not--well what do you care?
Eclipse's jumped slightly as Helios's voice sliced through the jumbled murmuring in the bunker. Almost every dragon in the room lifted their heads and turned in the direction of the hallway.
"Sol are you in here?"
Eclipse glanced across the room at the younger Solarwing, amusement flickering across her face as his father called out to him.

@_-Captain BRM-_
(Josh, if Helios is referring to Leuria, she is a human. I believe that's who he is referring to, so I am going to write it as so. But maybe it's Gen you're talking about?)

His voice echoed down the corridor, and Sol moved slowly to the doorway.
"Helios." He replied in answer. His father stood in the hallway, looking back at a figure, and for a moment Sol thought Gen had done something, and he tripped further out the doorway.
"What," Harper muttered, her hands deep in her sweater pockets. She looked tired and bored, her dark skin reflected the dim light.
Sol cleared his throat, "She's fine, Helios." He assured quickly, meeting his Father's gaze. "I... I need help. With Tobias."
Harper slipped past the SolarWing King, giving the small man beside the red dragon a look of distaste. "Cálmate, Sol," the Spanish sounded strange paired with her thick accent.
Gen crept from the shadows and stood beside Sol.
"Oh, my-" Lueria cut herself off and looked away. "This is a fine reunion, now isn't it? Hate to assume, but if I say the wrong words do you kill me, or.." she gave Gen a pointed look with her mismatched eyes, and the hybrid stared back, emotionless.
Sol sucked in a sharp breath and cocked his head with an exasperated look. "I need help with Tobias." He repeated, and Lueria nodded, looking rueful as she passed through the door way, slipping her pack to one shoulder.
Sol trotted towards Helios, counting on his Father to be of some consoling guidance. "Gen says Tobe's broken ribs." Sol said in a quiet tone. "And he says he'll loose his arm," Sol looked away, his breathy voice laced with panicked frailty, which he finally dared to release. He wasn't sure why Helios would care. But weren't fathers supposed to care? Sol craved comfort and peace. If he had to stoop levels to get it, then he would, because he was desperate.

Remember your first super long user name? 😂 It was like Kiwiandsomethingorother1234 (because Sunspot is there)

Lueria (Harper) and Gen and Sol and Tobias and Alicanto are all characters in Of Heart & Sol. Harper's first appearance is in this next Part, which I am still editing, but it's coming, I swear. So, it'll be a little confusing for those who aren't going to read H&S, but it will be fun for those who have :))
Lueria (Harper) and Gen and Sol and Tobias and Alicanto are all characters in Of Heart & Sol. Harper's first appearance is in this next Part, which I am still editing, but it's coming, I swear. So, it'll be a little confusing for those who aren't going to read H&S, but it will be fun for those who have :))
I'm always waiting for the next chapter, and everytime one ends I get that familiar
"ARGH NO WHY, ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER?!?!?!" vibe that I get when reading great books and I stalk the thread waiting for the next piece

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