Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Eclipse growled quietly, dropping her gaze to stare coldly at the other human.
"You're not seriously taking his arm off are you," she said a little quieter, trying not to show the horror and worry that suddenly swirled into her mind.

@_-Captain BRM-_
"No." Lueria grimaced slightly. "That is a very gross idea and I don't ever want to hear you say those words again." She scrunched up the bridge of her nose. "Ferrin is coming and he can do it, while I stand very far away over there." She pointed across the room to where Sunspot lurked.
"No- Harper," Sol's expression portrayed worry and pain. His wing still brushed up against Eclipse. "Do you really think he'll loose his arm?"
She rocked slightly, in thought. "I am no doctor, Sol. But I do have eyes." She looked down at Tobias, then back up at the SolarWing. "Ferrin will know. We don't have to do anything exciting till he arrives, right? Just keep him alive and stuff, you know, boring."
Sol found it hard to look her in the eye, or at the least look at both her eyes. One was deep brown, matching his skin tone, the other vibrant, startling blue. Naturally his brain picked one or the other. "Well." The SolarWing moved slowly towards Tobias, mindful of his wing-tip running along Eclipse's as he spread a huge wing out over the human, radiating intense warmth that even Lueria found herself craving. "Why doesn't he wake up?" Sol asked slowly as Lueria rinsed the rag, pouring excess water onto the cement with sick, splattering noises that sent Sol's stomach jumping.
"I don't know what happened, but blood lose is probable? Gen's right, if he was injured internally- he'd be super dead by now." She felt Tobias' cheek and nodded with an air of contentment. "The heat will help." She stared down at his face and all was quiet for a moment. "You've changed a lot, Sol."
The red dragon didn't acknowledge the comment, turning awkwardly towards Eclipse and the man still dangling in her talons.
"No." Lueria grimaced slightly. "That is a very gross idea and I don't ever want to hear you say those words again." She scrunched up the bridge of her nose. "Ferrin is coming and he can do it, while I stand very far away over there." She pointed across the room to where Sunspot lurked.
"No- Harper," Sol's expression portrayed worry and pain. His wing still brushed up against Eclipse. "Do you really think he'll loose his arm?"
She rocked slightly, in thought. "I am no doctor, Sol. But I do have eyes." She looked down at Tobias, then back up at the SolarWing. "Ferrin will know. We don't have to do anything exciting till he arrives, right? Just keep him alive and stuff, you know, boring."
Sol found it hard to look her in the eye, or at the least look at both her eyes. One was deep brown, matching his skin tone, the other vibrant, startling blue. Naturally his brain picked one or the other. "Well." The SolarWing moved slowly towards Tobias, mindful of his wing-tip running along Eclipse's as he spread a huge wing out over the human, radiating intense warmth that even Lueria found herself craving. "Why doesn't he wake up?" Sol asked slowly as Lueria rinsed the rag, pouring excess water onto the cement with sick, splattering noises that sent Sol's stomach jumping.
"I don't know what happened, but blood lose is probable? Gen's right, if he was injured internally- he'd be super dead by now." She felt Tobias' cheek and nodded with an air of contentment. "The heat will help." She stared down at his face and all was quiet for a moment. "You've changed a lot, Sol."
The red dragon didn't acknowledge the comment, turning awkwardly towards Eclipse and the man still dangling in her talons.
Eclipse gave Sol and small, sideways smile, feeling a little awkward. She turned back to Helios and roughly dropped his human back onto the ground, pointing a sharp claw inches from the scavenger's face.
"You stay away from Tobias," she said rigidly, fixing the man with a cold look.
The Lunarwing straightened again, pressing against Sol's warm side comfortingly, her gaze fixing on Tobias.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Eclipse gave Sol and small, sideways smile, feeling a little awkward. She turned back to Helios and roughly dropped his human back onto the ground, pointing a sharp claw inches from the scavenger's face.
"You stay away from Tobias," she said rigidly, fixing the man with a cold look.
The Lunarwing straightened again, pressing against Sol's warm side comfortingly, her gaze fixing on Tobias.

@_-Captain BRM-_
I think my mind is shot for the day because YOU STAY AWAY FROM TOBE has me dying.
*Someone in the living room*: What are you giggling at?
Me *still giggling*: I don't knnnoowww- 😭😭🤣

I'm so tired, HOLY cow.

I'm gunna go ahead a wait for Josh to come back and reply. 👌

Alllsoo, look at Ssol and Ecliiiipse 💀💀
Shard shuffled toward Sunspot nervously, watching Eclipse pace away. She felt even smaller and completely exposed when she didn't have the silver dragoness there to shield her, and Sunspot had proven to be an unpredictable substitute.
"Why does the human look sick?" she whispered loudly, watching the interaction across the bunker.

“Literally no clue,” Sunspot said, not looking at Shard. “He got sliced and diced by the looks of it.”
I think my mind is shot for the day because YOU STAY AWAY FROM TOBE has me dying.
*Someone in the living room*: What are you giggling at?
Me *still giggling*: I don't knnnoowww- 😭😭🤣

I'm so tired, HOLY cow.

I'm gunna go ahead a wait for Josh to come back and reply. 👌

Alllsoo, look at Ssol and Ecliiiipse 💀💀
Tobias sat with his back against the wall, his legs relaxed against the soft bedspread below. He couldn’t sleep. He leaned forward and covered his eyes with his hands.

A roar echoed down the hall, admitting through the crack of warm light below his door.

Someone knocked, and Tobias stiffened. He remained silent. The rapping repeated, and the door handle twisted. Tobias sat up.

Fox poked his blonde head though the doorway, pointing a finger gun at Tobias. “Jeez, it’s dark in here.” He flicked on the light switch, entering the room.

Tobias looked away, feeling his eyes burn. He had sat in the dark for too long.

“Hey, man. I got some news. Sum dang good news.” Fox dragged a hand through his hair.

Closing his eyes, Tobias leaned against the wall again and released a scoffing sigh.

“Nahh, I’m serious,” Fox continued, crossing his arms and leaning up against the closed door. “I have your SolarWing.”

Eyes still closed, Tobias could hear the grin in Fox’s tone. “Don’t lie to me.” He said.

“It’s no lie, Tobe. I think I can cut you a deal, here, pal.”

Tobias opened his eyes with a bitter smile. “A deal?”

“Right.” Fox confirmed, squinting hard at the ground as if in deep thought. “A deal in which you survive the arena and become a free man. With the SolarWing, of course, since he means so dadgum much to you.”

Tobias didn’t meet Fox’s gaze, his eyes staring down at the clean bedspread below. “The SolarWing was all I had.”

“Is all you have.” Fox corrected. “I can get you out of here, Tobe. Alive.” He let that hang in the air for a moment. “So, you can stop acting like a martyr.” Fox smiled dully as Tobias rolled his eyes. “I’ll get you out of here in a month tops, and you walk away with fifty grand in your pocket, and the dragon.”

Tobias looked up, finding authenticity in Fox’s expression. He pulled a knee up to his chest and ran his fingers through freshly washed hair. He couldn’t suppress his hopeful expression. “Tell me more.”

Julius starts down the hall, maintaining a brisk pace. The bag strap is cutting into his neck, and the bag itself is bouncing on his hip, swinging with every step. Someone approaching calls his name, but Julius is distracted, and he waves an acknowledging hand. His vision is blurred because his glasses are pushed up over his forehead, keeping shoulder-length hair at bay. He cannot identify the approaching person, but then he hears her voice and he tugs out an earbud.


Harper approached, pulling her long box braids to the side and over one shoulder, the twisted ends dangling above her hips. “I said you are a deaf rat.”

“Oh.” He pushes the glasses down over his eyes and the world snaps into focus. “You know, I forget how pleasant you are.

“That’s not what I really said, I said where is your new recruit?” Her thickly accented tone echoed through the wide, white hall. Her mismatched eyes shone brightly, dark skin reflected bright lights above.

Our recruit. I’m on my way to go see him now.”

Harper rolled her eyes. “There is no ‘our’ because I literally don’t have any part in it. I hate your idea so much.”

Julius smiles. “Yeah, I’m betting you’ll be changing your mind the moment we step into that arena.”

“Betting I didn’t ask.” Harper retorted.

Fox shakes his head with a grim grin, disregarding her petty comment. “Practice is still at six tonight. See you then, pal.” Julius starts down the hall.

“I want to meet your recruit.” She said to his back.

Julius rocks his head gently from side to side, fingering the earbud in his pocket. “Maybe I’ll bring him to practice.” He lies, because he won’t and he wants to give an incentive for Harper to show up on time. He quickens his pace and moves faster down the hall.

Harper audibly growled, heading off into the opposite direction. She yanked the draw strings of her hooded sweater tight, and she shoved her hands into the front pockets. She listened to Fox’s receding footsteps.

Julius pushes the earbud back in and he steps in time to the music.

He continues down the hall, then stops, and pivots, and pushes his hand against the scanner. He removes his earbuds as the door slides open.

The SolarWing hissed, and backed into the far corner. Tobias stood and dusted himself off, shaking out his dark bangs in an ignorant, brooding manner.

“Will he eat me if I come in here?” Julius jests, but his words fall flat and he enters anyway, letting the door close behind him.

“Stop.” Tobias ordered in Dragon as the SolarWing lifted a wing to hide behind. Fox stood a fair thirty feet away yet. The red dragon watched him with exhausted eyes.

Julius hovers cooly in the doorway.

Tobias met Fox’s gaze, a look of disdain in his brown eyes. “If you desire his trust,” he nodded towards the SolarWing, “then come to me as a friend, and leave him be.”

With a quick nod, Julius obliges Tobias’ request, and he steps further into the room, then sits himself down on the cold tile floor, motioning for Tobias to join him. He pulls his bag into his lap and studies the SolarWing, feeling intrigued, yet uncertain. He crosses his legs together and leans back as Tobias sits down beside him.

“I ain’t seen much of him yet, I know. Thought maybe he been so drugged up and spooked out from the labs he just wasn’t himself,” Fox says in an inquisitive tone. “Now, he really is some coward, hmm?” He glances at Tobias, but the man doesn’t look back.

The dragon trembled, and Tobias leaned back from where he sat, forcing his palms against the hard floor. “Sol, come here.” He narrowed his eyes when the dragon didn’t move, then repeated the order, speaking perfect Dragon, his tone soft yet commanding.

The SolarWing ducks his head low to the floor and moves at a brisk pace, staying close to the wall as he crosses the room. Julius’ eyes follow every heavy step, studying the dragon’s strong thighs as they flex. The glistening scales practically burst with potential. Julius releases a low whistle of awe, and the SolarWing hesitates, but Tobias clicks his tongue in warning. The dragon approaches, stopping beside Tobias. Julius looks up with a grin. The SolarWing doesn’t meet his eye.

“I see you’ve been at work, Tobe.”

Tobias sighs. “I’ve been locked in a room for three weeks. I was bored.”

The beast was truly incredible. Even Tobias’ inexperienced eyes could see it. But Fox was right about one thing. Sol was a coward, and Tobias was quickly realizing how much the dragon had grown to depend on him. Tobias shivered, glancing up at the creature looming ten feet above.

“Does he have fire scales?” Julius asks quietly, unable to hide the excitement in his tone as he studies the beast. He slips the strap over her head and sets his bag down beside his thigh.

“Yes.” Tobias replied, and he slowly stood, brushing a hand across Sol’s neck, careful to avoid the thick steel collar.

Julius follows suit, standing carefully, yet the dragon still retreats a quick step.

“No.” Tobias shook his head, his tone serious and steady. The SolarWing froze.

“Does he speak?” Julius asks, taking a step forward. The dragon is rigid, yet obedient.

“No. He spoke to me once, and so I learned his name. But… that side of him is long lost.” Tobias sounded bitter, slightly accusing. When he had first entered the room three weeks ago and seen the SolarWing’s worn body, his heart had plummeted, and with his heart followed his vigilance and care. It had taken a week of intense, expensive medication, which Tobias was shocked to have access to, in order to restore the SolarWing’s health. It took another week after that to win back his complete trust.

Sol had recognized Tobias immediately, but with a healing mind and an unrelenting fever, it was hard for the dragon to do much but recoil from any moving object in both pain and confused fear.

This kindled rage within Tobias. Protective, adamant rage.

The moment Sol had shown signs of recognition, the lab partners became very interested. Hardly a day passed by before the SDP showed up, ready to confiscate the dragon and take him back for more testing in the labs.

Fox had fought back with words and threats, unrelenting, though Tobias was certain his lack of respect for the SDP would cause problems further down the road. Regardless, Tobias was incredibly grateful. Fox owned Sol. Fox owned Tobias. The SDP had no part, no say in the matter, and neither did the labs.

Because Fox had fought back, Sol was still alive, and because Fox had cared, Tobias was still alive. Tobias had hope because of Fox. But that wouldn't stop him from making pointed arguments and aggressive comments. It felt good to blame someone other than himself. Fox was easy to criticize, and he was never upset. The perfect problem.

“He’s always this scared?” Julius asks, and Tobias gives a careful nod. Julius takes a purposeful step towards the creature and Sol flinches badly, his muscles jumping in anticipation.

“No.” Tobias was stern and quick to correct.

“Let me touch him, Tobe.” Julius says. “I just want to touch him.”

Tobias stroked the dragon’s neck. He motioned Fox closer.

They’re maybe two feet apart, and Julius outstretches his hand, moving steadily nearer.

"No, Sol." Tobias chided. The dragon shuddered.

Julius licks his lips and moves to close the space between his hand and the dragon's neck, but the creature is so tensely strained back, the veins are bulging beneath his scales. He's about to bolt. Julius lunges, and the dragon stumbles back, his claws screech as they etch black marks into the hard ground. With a challenging glint in his eye, Julius switches tactics, and he shifts his weight back, pivoting towards Tobias, he slams his hand against the man's throat.

Tobias felt his head snap back, and he gasped, raising his own hands in self defense, but they were batted away. Tobias doubled over as Fox's fist found his gut.

Tobias stumbles to his knees and Julius grabs a fistful of his hair, dragging him back against the wall, where he pins him. Tobias says his name in a desperate tone as Julius closes his fist around the man's throat, holding him there as he turns to watch the SolarWing, flipping his head up quickly in order to clear his vision of his long swaying hair.

Tobias doesn't fight back, and for a moment the room is thick with awkward silence. A few seconds pass, and Tobias gags. Julius can see Sol straighten, his ears erect and twitching. He's shocked the SolarWing has yet to move. Tobias is trying to say something, so Julius bears more of his weight into his hand, cutting off the man's words.

Tobias' body jerks as he struggles to gasp. Julius tightens his hold with both hands, his eyes still on the SolarWing, who has now taken a hesitant step forward. Tobias' legs spasm. His hands move to grip Julius' wrists, and he's choking, and he's struggling, and jerking, gaining himself a few short gasps. The SolarWing moves forward again, and Julius suddenly feels Tobias' grip release.

Tobias reached out for Fox's long, straight hair, jerking it towards himself with adrenaline induced vigor. Fox twisted back and slammed his boot against Tobias' thigh, and the man fell back. Tobias' hands slipped away and he pushed himself up against the wall. His eyes were closed, and his throat instinctively fought for breath, but he no longer struggled.

Julius couldn't read the SolarWing's expression. The dragon was yet attentive, his ears flicking curiously. Tobias his unmoving, which is obviously making the situation increasingly difficult to read for the dragon.

The room is deathly silent, and Fox admires Tobias' composure. The man trusts him, Julius thinks, because he's not fighting. The only thing Tobias is fighting is instinct, and Fox can feel his muscles twitching in protest. It lasts for fifteen seconds. Then Tobias' chest heaves, and his hands move back to grip Julius' wrists, and his knees buckle. Julius kneels, pulled down by Tobias' weight.

Finally a growl split the silence.

Julius gives a cunning grin as the SolarWing lowers his head, teeth bared, positioned to pounce. Julius waits, allowing the SolarWing to creep forward a few steps, waiting until the muscles in the dragon's legs tighten.

Fox released him and Tobias breathed, sliding down the wall. He pulled his knees up to his chest, body heaving. Sol lay dazed on the ground, and Tobias could only imagine what Fox and that collar had done to him. Fox stood, and Tobias tilted his head away, still breathing heavily.

Julius walks towards the SolarWing, and the dragon jerks, but he cannot move, too stunned by the shock. Julius kneels and runs and hand down the dragon's neck. He pulls away after a moment, the scales uncomfortably heated. He glanced up at Tobias, but the man won't meet his eyes.

"Well, then." Julius says, and he glanced down at the SolarWing. "You've locked me out, pal," he admits, shaking his head slowly. He smiles, not unkindly, and he looks at Tobias. "Good thing we've got the key."

Tobias fought to steady his breathing, nausea ever prominent. Fox walked towards him, offering his hand, and Tobias took it. Fox pulled him to his feet, and Tobias swayed, his thigh aching. "That should have worked." He says through a painful exhale.

"Well, it did." Julius steadies him.

"No, I mean-" Tobias closed his eyes and swallowed. "The SolarWing should have killed you."

"Mm." Julius comments. "If he killed me dead you wouldn't last a day in this facility."

"I mean-" Tobias couldn't catch his breath, and he could feel his heart pounding so intensely it hurt. "I meant he should have responded faster. You were right, Fox. That's what triggered him in my lot." He looked into the man's blue eyes, leaning into his supporting hand. "He does protect me."

"Why did he wait so long?"

Tobias shook his head, looking down. "Confused. You came in like a friend. He hasn't seen that since-" Tobias' words came to an abrupt stop. He shrugged off Fox's hand.

"He has it in him, Tobe. We just gotta let it out."

"He's smart, Fox. Don't use him."

"If you can get him to fight, you open areas of growth in his life."

"How so?"

"Look at him, Tobe. He's born for this. He may be broken and battered now, but you let him fight and he's gonna change."

"He's going to die."

Julius snorts. "You let him win back pride, he's gonna feed off of that like mad, dude. I've seen it before. When he has somethin to loose, he's gone fight for it."

Tobias didn't say anything.

"He doesn't want to loose you, man. He won't kill for himself, but he'll kill for you. That's why you're standing here alive right now. He'll fight for you."

Yes, Fox was planning to use the both of them. But he'd given Tobias hope, he'd given him a way out. They survive the arena, they gain their freedom. And Fox was rooting for them. Tobias knew he was fortunate.

"You got yourself a hulk of a hecking dragon, pal."

Tobias glanced toward Sol. "Yeah." He nodded. "Yeah, I do."

It's long, but it should be a fun read 🙃😁
I messed around with some funked up povs, and I don't know if I'll be keeping it like that or not. Let me know if it was confusing or if you have an opinion.
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"Take off his-- hang on a second!"
Eclipse reached out again and snatched the human in her talon, lifting him off the ground.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Lueria turned, raising her hands in question. "If you are loud and wake him up I'm going to kill something."
Sol steadied the little man as he swung in Eclipse's talon. "You say he's cold? Oh, I'm such a fool-" he growled in annoyance, channeling energy into his already warming scales. "Are you a doctor?" He looked up to Helios in question.


Eclipse growled quietly, dropping her gaze to stare coldly at the other human.
"You're not seriously taking his arm off are you," she said a little quieter, trying not to show the horror and worry that suddenly swirled into her mind.

@_-Captain BRM-_

Eclipse gave Sol and small, sideways smile, feeling a little awkward. She turned back to Helios and roughly dropped his human back onto the ground, pointing a sharp claw inches from the scavenger's face.
"You stay away from Tobias," she said rigidly, fixing the man with a cold look.
The Lunarwing straightened again, pressing against Sol's warm side comfortingly, her gaze fixing on Tobias.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Helios dragged a talon over his tired face, picking the human up and onto his back.

“Hey! Im just trying to help! Is there a hospital in these blasted mountains? Because if he doesn’t get EXTENSIVE care he WILL lose the arm. Possibly his life if he goes septic. Blood infections are nasty.” Archer said in a very opinionated and stern voice.

“Shut up, human.” Helios scolded, snarling quietly at him. He turned to Sol. “He’ll be ok, we’ll figure something out.”

@_-Captain BRM-_
Tobias sat with his back against the wall, his legs relaxed against the soft bedspread below. He couldn’t sleep. He leaned forward and covered his eyes with his hands.

A roar echoed down the hall, admitting through the crack of warm light below his door.

Someone knocked, and Tobias stiffened. He remained silent. The rapping repeated, and the door handle twisted. Tobias sat up.

Fox poked his blonde head though the doorway, pointing a finger gun at Tobias. “Jeez, it’s dark in here.” He flicked on the light switch, entering the room.

Tobias looked away, feeling his eyes burn. He had sat in the dark for too long.

“Hey, man. I got some news. Sum dang good news.” Fox dragged a hand through his hair.

Closing his eyes, Tobias leaned against the wall again and released a scoffing sigh.

“Nahh, I’m serious,” Fox continued, crossing his arms and leaning up against the closed door. “I have your SolarWing.”

Eyes still closed, Tobias could hear the grin in Fox’s tone. “Don’t lie to me.” He said.

“It’s no lie, Tobe. I think I can cut you a deal, here, pal.”

Tobias opened his eyes with a bitter smile. “A deal?”

“Right.” Fox confirmed, squinting hard at the ground as if in deep thought. “A deal in which you survive the arena and become a free man. With the SolarWing, of course, since he means so dadgum much to you.”

Tobias didn’t meet Fox’s gaze, his eyes staring down at the clean bedspread below. “The SolarWing was all I had.”

“Is all you have.” Fox corrected. “I can get you out of here, Tobe. Alive.” He let that hang in the air for a moment. “So, you can stop acting like a martyr.” Fox smiled dully as Tobias rolled his eyes. “I’ll get you out of here in a month tops, and you walk away with fifty grand in your pocket, and the dragon.”

Tobias looked up, finding authenticity in Fox’s expression. He pulled a knee up to his chest and ran his fingers through freshly washed hair. He couldn’t suppress his hopeful expression. “Tell me more.”

Julius starts down the hall, maintaining a brisk pace. The bag strap is cutting into his neck, and the bag itself is bouncing on his hip, swinging with every step. Someone approaching calls his name, but Julius is distracted, and he waves an acknowledging hand. His vision is blurred because his glasses are pushed up over his forehead, keeping shoulder-length hair at bay. He cannot identify the approaching person, but then he hears her voice and he tugs out an earbud.


Harper approached, pulling her long box braids to the side and over one shoulder, the twisted ends dangling above her hips. “I said you are a deaf rat.”

“Oh.” He pushes the glasses down over his eyes and the world snaps into focus. “You know, I forget how pleasant you are.

“That’s not what I really said, I said where is your new recruit?” Her thickly accented tone echoed through the wide, white hall. Her mismatched eyes shone brightly, dark skin reflected bright lights above.

Our recruit. I’m on my way to go see him now.”

Harper rolled her eyes. “There is no ‘our’ because I literally don’t have any part in it. I hate your idea so much.”

Julius smiles. “Yeah, I’m betting you’ll be changing your mind the moment we step into that arena.”

“Betting I didn’t ask.” Harper retorted.

Fox shakes his head with a grim grin, disregarding her petty comment. “Practice is still at six tonight. See you then, pal.” Julius starts down the hall.

“I want to meet your recruit.” She said to his back.

Julius rocks his head gently from side to side, fingering the earbud in his pocket. “Maybe I’ll bring him to practice.” He lies, because he won’t and he wants to give an incentive for Harper to show up on time. He quickens his pace and moves faster down the hall.

Harper audibly growled, heading off into the opposite direction. She yanked the draw strings of her hooded sweater tight, and she shoved her hands into the front pockets. She listened to Fox’s receding footsteps.

Julius pushes the earbud back in and he steps in time to the music.

He continues down the hall, then stops, and pivots, and pushes his hand against the scanner. He removes his earbuds as the door slides open.

The SolarWing hissed, and backed into the far corner. Tobias stood and dusted himself off, shaking out his dark bangs in an ignorant, brooding manner.

“Will he eat me if I come in here?” Julius jests, but his words fall flat and he enters anyway, letting the door close behind him.

“Stop.” Tobias ordered in Dragon as the SolarWing lifted a wing to hide behind. Fox stood a fair thirty feet away yet. The red dragon watched him with exhausted eyes.

Julius hovers cooly in the doorway.

Tobias met Fox’s gaze, a look of disdain in his brown eyes. “If you desire his trust,” he nodded towards the SolarWing, “then come to me as a friend, and leave him be.”

With a quick nod, Julius obliges Tobias’ request, and he steps further into the room, then sits himself down on the cold tile floor, motioning for Tobias to join him. He pulls his bag into his lap and studies the SolarWing, feeling intrigued, yet uncertain. He crosses his legs together and leans back as Tobias sits down beside him.

“I ain’t seen much of him yet, I know. Thought maybe he been so drugged up and spooked out from the labs he just wasn’t himself,” Fox says in an inquisitive tone. “Now, he really is some coward, hmm?” He glances at Tobias, but the man doesn’t look back.

The dragon trembled, and Tobias leaned back from where he sat, forcing his palms against the hard floor. “Sol, come here.” He narrowed his eyes when the dragon didn’t move, then repeated the order, speaking perfect Dragon, his tone soft yet commanding.

The SolarWing ducks his head low to the floor and moves at a brisk pace, staying close to the wall as he crosses the room. Julius’ eyes follow every heavy step, studying the dragon’s strong thighs as they flex. The glistening scales practically burst with potential. Julius releases a low whistle of awe, and the SolarWing hesitates, but Tobias clicks his tongue in warning. The dragon approaches, stopping beside Tobias. Julius looks up with a grin. The SolarWing doesn’t meet his eye.

“I see you’ve been at work, Tobe.”

Tobias sighs. “I’ve been locked in a room for three weeks. I was bored.”

The beast was truly incredible. Even Tobias’ inexperienced eyes could see it. But Fox was right about one thing. Sol was a coward, and Tobias was quickly realizing how much the dragon had grown to depend on him. Tobias shivered, glancing up at the creature looming ten feet above.

“Does he have fire scales?” Julius asks quietly, unable to hide the excitement in his tone as he studies the beast. He slips the strap over her head and sets his bag down beside his thigh.

“Yes.” Tobias replied, and he slowly stood, brushing a hand across Sol’s neck, careful to avoid the thick steel collar.

Julius follows suit, standing carefully, yet the dragon still retreats a quick step.

“No.” Tobias shook his head, his tone serious and steady. The SolarWing froze.

“Does he speak?” Julius asks, taking a step forward. The dragon is rigid, yet obedient.

“No. He spoke to me once, and so I learned his name. But… that side of him is long lost.” Tobias sounded bitter, slightly accusing. When he had first entered the room three weeks ago and seen the SolarWing’s worn body, his heart had plummeted, and with his heart followed his vigilance and care. It had taken a week of intense, expensive medication, which Tobias was shocked to have access to, in order to restore the SolarWing’s health. It took another week after that to win back his complete trust.

Sol had recognized Tobias immediately, but with a healing mind and an unrelenting fever, it was hard for the dragon to do much but recoil from any moving object in both pain and confused fear.

This kindled rage within Tobias. Protective, adamant rage.

The moment Sol had shown signs of recognition, the lab partners became very interested. Hardly a day passed by before the SDP showed up, ready to confiscate the dragon and take him back for more testing in the labs.

Fox had fought back with words and threats, unrelenting, though Tobias was certain his lack of respect for the SDP would cause problems further down the road. Regardless, Tobias was incredibly grateful. Fox owned Sol. Fox owned Tobias. The SDP had no part, no say in the matter, and neither did the labs.

Because Fox had fought back, Sol was still alive, and because Fox had cared, Tobias was still alive. Tobias had hope because of Fox. But that wouldn't stop him from making pointed arguments and aggressive comments. It felt good to blame someone other than himself. Fox was easy to criticize, and he was never upset. The perfect problem.

“He’s always this scared?” Julius asks, and Tobias gives a careful nod. Julius takes a purposeful step towards the creature and Sol flinches badly, his muscles jumping in anticipation.

“No.” Tobias was stern and quick to correct.

“Let me touch him, Tobe.” Julius says. “I just want to touch him.”

Tobias stroked the dragon’s neck. He motioned Fox closer.

They’re maybe two feet apart, and Julius outstretches his hand, moving steadily nearer.

"No, Sol." Tobias chided. The dragon shuddered.

Julius licks his lips and moves to close the space between his hand and the dragon's neck, but the creature is so tensely strained back, the veins are bulging beneath his scales. He's about to bolt. Julius lunges, and the dragon stumbles back, his claws screech as they etch black marks into the hard ground. With a challenging glint in his eye, Julius switches tactics, and he shifts his weight back, pivoting towards Tobias, he slams his hand against the man's throat.

Tobias felt his head snap back, and he gasped, raising his own hands in self defense, but they were batted away. Tobias doubled over as Fox's fist found his gut.

Tobias stumbles to his knees and Julius grabs a fistful of his hair, dragging him back against the wall, where he pins him. Tobias says his name in a desperate tone as Julius closes his fist around the man's throat, holding him there as he turns to watch the SolarWing, flipping his head up quickly in order to clear his vision of his long swaying hair.

Tobias doesn't fight back, and for a moment the room is thick with awkward silence. A few seconds pass, and Tobias gags. Julius can see Sol straighten, his ears erect and twitching. He's shocked the SolarWing has yet to move. Tobias is trying to say something, so Julius bears more of his weight into his hand, cutting off the man's words.

Tobias' body jerks as he struggles to gasp. Julius tightens his hold with both hands, his eyes still on the SolarWing, who has now taken a hesitant step forward. Tobias' legs spasm. His hands move to grip Julius' wrists, and he's choking, and he's struggling, and jerking, gaining himself a few short gasps. The SolarWing moves forward again, and Julius suddenly feels Tobias' grip release.

Tobias reached out for Fox's long, straight hair, jerking it towards himself with adrenaline induced vigor. Fox twisted back and slammed his boot against Tobias' thigh, and the man fell back. Tobias' hands slipped away and he pushed himself up against the wall. His eyes were closed, and his throat instinctively fought for breath, but he no longer struggled.

Julius couldn't read the SolarWing's expression. The dragon was yet attentive, his ears flicking curiously. Tobias his unmoving, which is obviously making the situation increasingly difficult to read for the dragon.

The room is deathly silent, and Fox admires Tobias' composure. The man trusts him, Julius thinks, because he's not fighting. The only thing Tobias is fighting is instinct, and Fox can feel his muscles twitching in protest. It lasts for fifteen seconds. Then Tobias' chest heaves, and his hands move back to grip Julius' wrists, and his knees buckle. Julius kneels, pulled down by Tobias' weight.

Finally a growl split the silence.

Julius gives a cunning grin as the SolarWing lowers his head, teeth bared, positioned to pounce. Julius waits, allowing the SolarWing to creep forward a few steps, waiting until the muscles in the dragon's legs tighten.

Fox released him and Tobias breathed, sliding down the wall. He pulled his knees up to his chest, body heaving. Sol lay dazed on the ground, and Tobias could only imagine what Fox and that collar had done to him. Fox stood, and Tobias tilted his head away, still breathing heavily.

Julius walks towards the SolarWing, and the dragon jerks, but he cannot move, too stunned by the shock. Julius kneels and runs and hand down the dragon's neck. He pulls away after a moment, the scales uncomfortably heated. He glanced up at Tobias, but the man won't meet his eyes.

"Well, then." Julius says, and he glanced down at the SolarWing. "You've locked me out, pal," he admits, shaking his head slowly. He smiles, not unkindly, and he looks at Tobias. "Good thing we've got the key."

Tobias fought to steady his breathing, nausea ever prominent. Fox walked towards him, offering his hand, and Tobias took it. Fox pulled him to his feet, and Tobias swayed, his thigh aching. "That should have worked." He says through a painful exhale.

"Well, it did." Julius steadies him.

"No, I mean-" Tobias closed his eyes and swallowed. "The SolarWing should have killed you."

"Mm." Julius comments. "If he killed me dead you wouldn't last a day in this facility."

"I mean-" Tobias couldn't catch his breath, and he could feel his heart pounding so intensely it hurt. "I meant he should have responded faster. You were right, Fox. That's what triggered him in my lot." He looked into the man's blue eyes, leaning into his supporting hand. "He does protect me."

"Why did he wait so long?"

Tobias shook his head, looking down. "Confused. You came in like a friend. He hasn't seen that since-" Tobias' words came to an abrupt stop. He shrugged off Fox's hand.

"He has it in him, Tobe. We just gotta let it out."

"He's smart, Fox. Don't use him."

"If you can get him to fight, you open areas of growth in his life."

"How so?"

"Look at him, Tobe. He's born for this. He may be broken and battered now, but you let him fight and he's gonna change."

"He's going to die."

Julius snorts. "You let him win back pride, he's gonna feed off of that like mad, dude. I've seen it before. When he has somethin to loose, he's gone fight for it."

Tobias didn't say anything.

"He doesn't want to loose you, man. He won't kill for himself, but he'll kill for you. That's why you're standing here alive right now. He'll fight for you."

Yes, Fox was planning to use the both of them. But he'd given Tobias hope, he'd given him a way out. They survive the arena, they gain their freedom. And Fox was rooting for them. Tobias knew he was fortunate.

"You got yourself a hulk of a hecking dragon, pal."

Tobias glanced toward Sol. "Yeah." He nodded. "Yeah, I do."

It's long, but it should be a fun read 🙃😁
I messed around with some funked up povs, and I don't know if I'll be keeping it like that or not. Let me know if it was confusing or if you have an opinion.

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