Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Yes. I figured he had to be different, though... more hot headed. Leaves room for growth within the next few thousand words. But yes, what's up?
Yeah, yeah. Was actually just thinking that, since he hasn't been "conditioned" yet, eheh. I figured that was the point, and yeah, leaves room for character growth, just like you said
Maybe just, sliiggghhhttlly, more contained. Like, not a noticeably massive difference, maybe just takes a little more before he loses to the impulsivity. Again, not a huge difference.
idk if that even made any sense, bruh-
I the only one here who is just straight up happy to have OFAF notfi again?
Yeah, yeah. Was actually just thinking that, since he hasn't been "conditioned" yet, eheh. I figured that was the point, and yeah, leaves room for character growth, just like you said
Maybe just, sliiggghhhttlly, more contained. Like, not a noticeably massive difference, maybe just takes a little more before he loses to the impulsivity. Again, not a huge difference.
idk if that even made any sense, bruh-
Sounds great ;)
Yeah, yeah. Was actually just thinking that, since he hasn't been "conditioned" yet, eheh. I figured that was the point, and yeah, leaves room for character growth, just like you said
Maybe just, sliiggghhhttlly, more contained. Like, not a noticeably massive difference, maybe just takes a little more before he loses to the impulsivity. Again, not a huge difference.
idk if that even made any sense, bruh-
Anyway, that whole scene is painful to read through, so whether Alicanto is believable or not, I didn't check because I was getting so burnt out from reading the poor writing. I'm so sorry.
Anyway, that whole scene is painful to read through, so whether Alicanto is believable or not, I didn't check because I was getting so burnt out from reading the poor writing. I'm so sorry.
No. No apologizing. No.
Ali was absolute FIRE, Cap. I LOVE him, and I fully trust what you've got going with him. It was amazing. Stop doubting yourself, you're a better writer than I could ever be. I love it, shut up, it's perfect.
"I learned nothing, other than I'm surrounded by complete savages."

"How would you like to die?"

"Gen, I'll eat you alive."

"I'll tear you apart, Gen."

"Stay away from me, Gen, I swear on every blasted moon,"

These. These right here just.
I love these.
michael fassbender perfection GIF
Hey folks. I've been so burnt out from writing lately. But I won't give up 😭😭
So. A good deal of this is garbage. It's like Marvel when they throw a bunch of characters together and they talk and get absolutely nothing done and advance the plot in literally zero way until one little snippet at the end, but since everyone knows and freaking loves these characters, they're like, yayayayyayayayyaya-
So that's what happened here. And the style is absent for a good 1500 words. I'm so sorry, I really am. I just need to get this out here and cemented, though, otherwise... geez, I really don't want to stop, but I've had such a rough week with it all. I fell awful about my writing 😭 there is is. 🙃😐 the fricken truth.

Anyway, that's enough depression for now, here y'all go!

Some 3200 words...
Someone shouted and I woke, squinting at a bright midday sun. I rolled onto my side, hiding my face in the crook of my elbow as the light bit into my vision. The shout came again- it was the mouthy CloudWing.

"At least I'm useful!" He cried in a pained snarl.

My immediate thoughts: where was Sol; gosh, my eyes hurt; why had no one had woken me;

I sat up, covering my eyes with dirt-stained fingers.

"Look at him!" The CloudWing roared, "So perfectly uselessssssss," he hissed, his tone distressed.

Squinting my eyes, I could see small blurry figures gathered at the other side of camp and the piercing glow of the CloudWing's silver scales as they reflected and shot the sun back into my eyes. Sol's tall figure hustled towards me, following alongside the wall.

"Look at him run away," the CloudWing snarled. His accusation turned into a scream.

I couldn't tell what was happening to him, but I imagined it was some sort of punishment, and I imagined a muzzle in his immediate future.

My head ached, and I found it difficult to concentrate. A small percentage of our group still remained in base, and I recognized no one by name. A few men lingered beneath the water tent, and I thought I might join them.

Sol trotted up from behind and nudged my back with his nose, resting his chin on my shoulder. I leaned into him. He stayed there, breathing into my neck. The CloudWing roared and Sol lifted his head. He released a flustered sigh.

"It's okay." I assured.

The CloudWing howled and Sol shivered and looked down at me.

"What are they doing?" I asked.

He dipped his nose down to my shoulder again.

"It's okay. They can't do much, or he'd be of no use."

He sighed again.

The headache pulsed. "I need water," I muttered, standing. Sol followed me to the water basin.

The CloudWing, livid and screaming, had caught sight of Sol and released an onslaught of threats and curses directed at both Sol and myself.

"Ignore it." I told him, but Sol still lowered his head in a submissive manner. "Don't let him win." Sol didn't look at me.

"Go beat the coward," the CloudWing shrieked. "I'm useful, you idiots, don't-" he made such a noise my ears rang.

I drank from the water basin (it tasted awful) and poured water on my head. The few men gathered beneath the tent were not in a bad mood, and they greeted me.

"What did he do?" I asked, pulling off my crusty shirt.

"He killed someone. Got all mad, now the teams are fed up, they didn't take him out today, and they left Gen, too."

I glanced at the blonde man, rather shocked. "Who died?"

The man shrugged and glanced around, but no one seemed to know who the dragon had killed.

I laid the shirt over my knee and cupped water onto it and worked out the blood.

The CloudWing's racket had died down. His voice echoed as he announced, "You'd have to kill me,"

I gave an amused eye roll. "How long has it been going on?"

"Past half hour," Elliot said, walking up from behind me. He brushed his fingers across my forehead, feeling his perfect stitches. "He won't learn." I tilted my head towards him and he knelt, picking dirt from the wound. "You're going to let this get infected already?"

"I need a mirror," I muttered.

Sol nuzzled my shoulder again and slipped his nose beneath my arm. I reached back, feeling his warm neck. "Calm down. He's alright."

"Nice Dragon, buddy." Elliot grabbed the wet shirt off my knee. "This clean?"


He pushed it against my forehead. "Your man Julius is out at the second base-camp. He'll be back tonight."

Water dropped into my eyes as I nodded.

The CloudWing's horrible screams seemed to spike the headache. I shivered.

"No beating will turn that one around," Elliot said, "at least not with what we have here."

"Too young." A man grunted. "He shouldn't have been sent out yet. Needs more conditioning."

Sol pulled away.

"This could go on all day, I'm sure of it," the blonde man sighed. "Rather impressive."

A few men chuckled.

"He needs a muzzle," Elliot said. "Hold still, I'm almost done."

The CloudWing screamed a threat, and the men around me chuckled. I couldn't see what was so funny about it.

Elliot removed the shirt and stood and offered his hand, pulling me to my feet. He flicked his fingers at my stomach and I gently caught his hand in defense, "Hey, get on a shirt and come help me with this boy. They didn't kill him last night, but he's half dead anyway."

"Right." I said, pulling on the wet shirt before scooping a few more mouthfuls of water.

Tobias and Elliot treated the boy, all while listening to the CloudWing. The dragon did not scream in pain, it was all in fury, and when they were finished he brooded and paced the wall, his eyes on Sol.

"What did I miss, Elliot? What's with him and Sol?"

"You missed nothing. He just wants someone to blame, I think. A little illogical, but pride's like that, anyway."

Tobias gave a soft laugh at Elliot's refreshing opinion.

The boy had yet to speak, so he gained their immediate attention when he requested more water. Tobias volunteered to retrieve the water, wanting some for himself as he still felt rather lightheaded. He noticed the CloudWing approaching Sol and stopped, holding his breath as Sol straightened, towering over the silver dragon with an air of authority. A low voice could be heard as the CloudWing spoke, but his growling tone and the breeze muddled the words. Tobias glanced at Elliot, who still knelt beside the boy.

The CloudWing released a threatening roar, tossing dirt as Sol's talons.

"Alicanto." the black SandWing sprinted towards the dragons, his sharp tone brimming with warning. His gait shifted to a steady lope as the CloudWing drew back from Sol.

"Curse you, Gen." The silver dragon snarled. "I swear on the moons if you interfere I'll rip you apart."

Elliot took the water bowl from Tobias, and Tobias joined the small group of men starting towards the unruly dragon.

"Today was supposed to teach you a lesson." Gen said, his voice neutral.

"Was it?" Alicanto spat. "Well, I learned nothing, other than I'm surrounded by complete savages."

Sol stood on the CloudWing's far side, and he took a step forward, trying to circle around the silver dragon, but Alicanto reared back, snapping at Sol's neck.

"That is enough, fool." The balance between Gen's harsh, controlled tone was admirable.

One of the men beside Tobias swore. "I blame this on Klice. I'd condition him myself if I knew it would work."

Another man scoffed in agreement. "He's got wild spirit. They kill those kinds."

"Am I the fool?" Alicanto hissed, pacing away from Gen. He pushed himself alongside Sol, leveling his gaze at the approaching humans. A sudden smile shaped his pointed teeth. "Oh, look who it is. Is that your boy, Sol?" His tone shifted to mock excitement as he shifted to Sol's other side, keeping obvious distance from Gen. "Yeah? Is that him, you stupid, speechless, dope,"

Sol flicked his tail at the CloudWing's blistered wrists and Alicanto scrambled back. The deep burns still excreted fresh blood and it stained the moss below his talons.

"Alicanto," a dark haired, bulky man sighed as he came to a halt beside Gen, "how would you like to relive this morning again?"

"How would you like to die?"

The man shook his head and motioned for Sol to come. "You don't know what you're doing to yourself, Ali. You're condemned by your own word."

Sol dropped his head and began to approach. Alicanto snapped at his neck again and Sol stopped.

"See, he's useless," Alicanto cried, shoving Sol back a step, and Sol retaliated, boxing the dragon's cheek with the edge of his wing.

"Quite the opposite." Gen chuckled softly.

Sol paced back, a look of disdain hinting at his expression. His talons seared into the green terrain.

Alicanto, rigid and growling, forced himself back from Sol, rolling his eyes.

"That's the most self restraint I've seen you use all week." Gen said.

"You think I'm a coward, Gen?"

The SandWing dropped his gaze, hiding a smile. "I hope you are smart."

"You think I'm a coward?"

Gen's head snapped up and released a low hiss. "Cowardice and wisdom are two very different things, CloudWing. Sol's scales are not only hot enough to burn your head off your neck, but he is twice your size and he will snap your spine within moments due to your inexperience."

Sol stared hard at Tobias, who signaled for him to stay put.

Alicanto bristled. "Sol has done nothing but stand around and be useless. Why do I suffer under his pitiful gaze when I have been of service? I have saved your lives! And yet I am the undeserving, tortured fool,"

Gen stepped forward. "Watch yourself, Alicanto. Their quarrel does not involve Sol. It involves you and your impulsive actions."

"Gen, I'll eat you alive."

"That is enough. I'll help you out of the pit you've dug for yourself if you shut up and walk away."

"I'll tear you apart, Gen."

Unimpressed, the SandWing cocked his head, then glanced towards the burly man standing at his side. The man nodded and waved towards Alicanto.

"Stay away from me, Gen, I swear on every blasted moon,"

The SandWing approached, and Alicanto shied back, his ears pinned flat against his head.

"Don't run."

Alicanto ran.

Gen cast an exhausted look back at the man, who winced and shrugged. "Bring him back to the pit. We'll do something with him later."

Gen nodded and slowly vanished, his scales blending into his surroundings with immaculate perfection.

The man glanced towards Sol, then motioned him over.

"Ach, is Fox around?" Someone muttered. "Careful, Jacks, he might kill you, remember."

Jacks chuckled, nodding as Sol dropped his head and approached. The big man turned towards Tobias. "You part of Fox's group?"

Tobias nodded. "Yeah. Tobias."

They shook hands as Sol stopped just behind Tobias.

"You're his trainer?" Jacks asked.


Alicanto shrieked from somewhere in the woods. Sol's ears peeled and he lifted his head.

Jacks's brows raised. "Is that compassion I see there, Sol?"

The dragon heard his name and glanced towards Jacks with a curious look.

"He doesn't understand English." Tobias said.

"Ah. Strange for him to care for a dragon. Especially one who hates him. Where's he from?"

Tobias shrugged. "The labs."

Jacks scrunched the bridge of his nose. "Who taught him that, then? Compassion?"

He glanced at me and I stared at Sol. "I don't know." I lied.

Our team of seventy-two returned as a group of forty.

Stress and anxiety hit the camp like an anvil, and shock lingered in the thick air. We took a head count. Fifty-eight. A sickeningly small number.

Fox got into our small supply of whiskey, which had been reserved for medical uses only. I told him not to, and he said thought he would kill himself if he didn't drink. He was the only man who reverted to alcohol that night, but many used different methods, all equally as detrimental to their health, all having poor affect on their minds, which would assist us in no way tonight. I gave the few remaining bottles to Elliot, and he hid them before Fox could kill himself.

As dinner finished and a meeting gathered, Fox took me aside and said he couldn't participate in important conversation and that he wanted to sleep. I did not argue because, given his previous actions, that was a quite logical thing to do, but I did end up following him a little ways hoping he wouldn't injure himself or others in his poor state. Eventually I sat down next to him, then laid back and studied the constellations visible through patchy tree tops.

"Are we the only ones ain't at that meeting, Tobe?" Fox asked from where he lay on the hard ground about a foot away.

I tilted my head to the side and met his stained eyes. "Right now, I think so."

He nodded, rubbing his cheek into the dirt then sniffed. Phlegm rattled in his throat. "Lueria said some to me today," he murmured, "and I thought.. she's not with us, you know that, right, Tobe? She's, ah.." he took a deep breath and didn't finish his sentence. "Here, drink something, Tobe. It's better."

I shook my head and gazed into the dark sky, shivering as the leaves rustled in a crisp breeze. "I don't want any."


"Makes me sick."

"That ain't true."

"It isn't?" I looked back into his blue eyes.

"You're too good for it."


"Yeah. You got an- uh, opinion, about it." A light smile graced his cracked lips.

I turned back to the stars.

"Tell me." Fox grunted.

I sighed. "You know you're plenty sane for all you drank."

"Talent. Tell me, Tobe."

I gave another great sigh and he laughed. "I think even the strongest of men are weak if they lack self control."

Fox fell silent and his ragged breaths became even as he thought. "You don't know that, Tobe. It's different," he sucked in a labored breath, "here it's different."

I sat up, pulling my hands into the sleeves of my jacket. "Bugs are out. We should get near the fire. I'll help you." The words were meant to repair any damage done to our relationship by my previous statement. I could feel Fox's tension as he rose, and I realized he was quite upset.

"You don't know what I feel like." He said, and I steadied his shoulder with a tentative hand. "It's different, Tobe. Don't go talking about stuff you don't know."

"Okay. Let's go back to the fire."

"You shouldn't have said that, Tobe."

"You asked me to."

He sniffed and his brows raised. "You don't know."

"All right. Let's go back to the fire."

Tomorrow the arena borders narrowed and we would have to move camp. With half our team dead, this would be a great deal more work than what had originally been anticipated.

The meeting commenced around a wide, blazing fire. Smoke billowed from the damp wood, but deterred insects. Jacks and another woman moderated from across the fire. Anyone was free to speak, and they spoke their opinions loudly so that they were heard.

I sat on Fox's right side and Harper sat at his left, her long braids brushing the ground. Sol lay behind me.

"-what was our inventory count, then?"

"Odell said seventeen, but we lost two squads."


I tensed, having zoned out on the conversation a bit. I cared, yes, but keeping up with all that was being said wore on my tired mind.

"Fox," Jacks said from across the pit, his face obscured by shadows. "Are you well?"

Fox didn't reply, his head tilted lazily to one side from where he leaned against a wide tree.

"Someone take the bottle," Jacks said, "and don't drink if you can't remain present."

Fox stared at Jacks from across the fire and offered the bottle, then pulled it back and drank. A few men laughed, but their tone lacked the usual gaiety and conversation resumed.

"You are so annoying, Julius," Harper hissed in a quiet voice. "You have so much power and influence on this meeting, and you choose to be incompetent."

Fox grunted. "Well. At least I'm, uh… I'm none double dealing viper sort, ahay, Harp?"

Harper jerked her gaze towards me. I shook my head, feeling my face grow hot with panic, and she turned her wide eyes to the ground.

She looked sick.

I leaned over, "Harper, no," Fox caught my upper arm before I could continue and pulled me against himself. He cleared his throat, and I leaned forward, but he pushed my back to his broad chest and leaned his mouth to my ear, voice hardly audible, "Who's side are you on, there, Tobe?"

"You're drunk, Fox," I whispered. "You don't know what you're accusing her of."

"I do, though," he exhaled and I held my breath. "What has you so concerned? You're, uh… uhm," his head drifted down to my shoulder and I looked away, feeling rather disgusted. I dared not bring attention to his unusual behavior, and I dared not make a scene, for Harper's sake.

Fox's hand moved up to my neck and I leaned away, "Stop, stop it,"

"Do you like her, Tobe?" He pushed his lips against my ear and laughed a little.


"I know who she is. Should I tell them?"



I released a stifled breath. "They'll kill her."

"And so?"

I stared into the fire and for a moment we were both silent.

"How long have you known?" I whispered.

"A while."

"Did you know back in the ring?"

"A little. But I'm sure, now, Tobe," his hot breaths made me shiver.

"Don't kill her, Fox. She's scared of you and she respects you,"

"She loves you," he broke in, and my eyes shot over to Harper's slumped position.

"If you have me you won't need to worry over her loyalty."

I could hear the smile in his tone, "Right, Tobe. You're defending her."

"I don't want her murdered."

Fox sighed and I coughed. Harper gave me a quick glance. "It wouldn't be murder, though, because it's just."

"Nothing here is just."

He laughed again. "Isn't it all subjective?

"She's confused and without guidance. She lacks purpose. Either side of the arena lack morals, and she's confused."

"Must life depend on your blasted morals, Tobias?"

"Not mine."

He paused at that, then cleared his throat.

"I can do a lot worse things than kill her, you know."


"You think I'm a monster, Tobe?"


"Yeah, you do. Do you sympathize for me, too, Tobe? Like you do for Lueria?"

"It's compassion." I said.

He laughed, and it was a loud sound compared to our previous low tones, but not enough to draw full attention.

His body tensed, and his hands tightened on my shirt as a sudden bout of rage boiled in his intoxicated mind. "Do you think I am Hell-bound, then? There's religion in your talk. You've learned from it."

"If you kill Harper, maybe."

"Is that sarcastic?"

"Maybe if you could think straight you would know."

"Watch it, Tobe."

"Get off me, Fox."

His hands slipped away.

"You need water."

"Hardly," he reached for the whiskey bottle and I pushed it over. "Kill you for that, Tobe."

"Get sober, then start making threats." I stood, meeting his dangerous stare.

"Get out of here. Go away, Tobe."

"Gladly," I whispered, keeping my distance from Fox as I paced towards Sol.


I started reading, got distracted, and vanished for several days- I'll comment on it when I have the energy :,)
No sé 🙃
It's like, how long can I stay off of BYC? I've been on at least once every day since, like, March. That's crazy, dawg. So I haven't been on since ✨Saturday✨. I'd like to actually leave for a while, maybe. I'm not quite sure yet. I have my pals on Gmail (except for YOU, Taber, come on, gurl). So perhaps I will drift away for a whiiillllleeee......
Wait so not banned?

Yikes I haven't been around much either. I'm just super overwhelmed right now ick

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