Off The Ground?


14 Years
Jun 28, 2009
I have built a 4x8 coop frame. It has a 4x8 sheet of plywood as the base. I'm considering putting it on 8" cinder blocks so the untreated plywood is not sitting right on the ground. Good idea? Problems? Thoughts?
looks like a good start!I'd go for off the ground-but wire in the space-I have chickens that will 'hide' their eggs which = snakes,rats,mice,and lures for other undesirables...
Mine is up off the ground 18"... I did this so I could fully insulate the floor and seal it (top & bottom)... this also provides a shaded area for the birds during the summer... If you want I can post a picture so it gives you a better idea of what I'm attempting to explain
I am interested in what you mean by insulating the floor? Do you just have joists running underneath with batts of insulation between?
I am interested in what you mean by insulating the floor? Do you just have joists running underneath with batts of insulation between?

it is an 8X8 frame with joist in it... it is framed out with 2X6's, isulation batts in between, 1/2" plywood on the bottom, and 3/4" plywood on the top... Then built from there

I am interested in what you mean by insulating the floor? Do you just have joists running underneath with batts of insulation between?

it is an 8X8 frame with joist in it... it is framed out with 2X6's, isulation batts in between, 1/2" plywood on the bottom, and 3/4" plywood on the top... Then built from there

thats amazing! I have a plywood box in a corn field
It is a perfectly reasonable idea but I would for sure go higher than 8", as that is just asking for rats to sit under there and chew holes in your floor. Also it is too low to be particularly useable by chickens, which would be a shame b/c in the summer and nasty winter weather the space under a small-sized raised coop like that is *great* for the chickens to hang out in.

Good luck, have fun,

My concern is what will keep your coop from tipping over in a wind? Sitting the coop up on blocks may only aggravate the problem unless you come up with a way to positively anchor the entire structure.

For example; here's how I anchored my coop..


I laid out the locations, dug holes with a post-hole digger, and then set 6 4x4 posts in concrete. That gave me a 10' long by 5' wide layout to frame up whatever I wanted. I never have to worry about high winds, or any critters digging underneath, nor will the treated posts rot out.

Keep working! There are a million and one ways to do this and you have to build what is going to fit your needs.
Like Staatsfarms and Patandchickens said. Do it 18" off the ground, minimum. A low coop will invite all manner of rodents and snakes
and fixing that will be 10 times worse than building it right to begin with.

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