Office Work, Part Deux: Professional Mayhen

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The elementary schools in my district offer Free Breakfast to ALL students.
That's the reason for packing all those wagons every morning.
Its something different each weekday. Today will be muffin, string cheese, OJ and milk.

Diva cup, hmm, great gift idea for my sis!! lol

Yea, I seem to have caught whatever it is going around.
I was snotty last Thursday.
Oh at conference, it was horrible. I had taken some decongestant with me, but my nose got so plugged Friday night I couldn't fall to sleep cuz it felt like I was going to stop breathing. Then, because it was middle of night and I was so tired but not sleeping, my mind was going round and round and I starting having an anxiety attack I think.
I was too far from home, I was 23 stories up, I was in a city, I couldn't open a window for air, it was too late go go downstairs and outside cuz it probably wouldn't be safe, the guy's speech story was running through my head, oh my gosh, I'm going to be wearing a tutu, WHAT AM I DOING HERE!!

You know, those kinds of thoughts. I had to keep getting up and peeing, I was sucking ice cubes, I was worried I was disturbing my roomie, I just need some air!!
I finally fell asleep propped up on my pillows.

In the morning I was fine mentally, but I had to walk out of two meetings because of coughing, and I couldn't do the exercise class Sat morn cuz of coughing and snot, and I was worried people thought I was a germ machine.
Other than that, it was fun.

Because boyd asked if there was anyway to make this worse...

SADDI'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And with that, Boyd and Dacs are running far, far, far away.

Me too

Erm, dh knew what they are. In preparation for the zombies he says they would be a good idea. I don't get out enough.

They are no more "icky" than a tampon. Actually less so once you are used to them. I can go 8 hours with no leaks, then remove, clean and reapply with nothing on my hands.

First few times, practice at home in the shower. After that, it's all good.
We are dacs' BIFFs!

Saddi's back!

Sorry you're sick, boo.

DH and I (okay, mostly DH) got the coop all insulated last night. Not sure we'll have time to work on it tonight as we are taking the kids to the 5:15 showing of Puss in Boots, but hopefully by the end of the weekend the chickens will be snug in their new abode.

It's very frosty this morning and we could get a couple of inches of snow this afternoon. I'm not ready for snow.
I so happy Dacs made us his BIFFs!!!!!!

Sorry ur not feeling well Boo.

I'm going to taste of the holidays tonight after work. Basically, pay $15 and get unlimited free wine/booze tasting accompanied by free food and shopping all the vendors you can stomach.

This is my method for selecting wines for my month hosting wine club.

And Saddi, we have missed you, a lot!
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Drama is stupid

Sarcasm rules!

And I am SUPER popular now because I have a snow blower for sale and we just had that big storm and there appears to be another on o the way.

Sheesh, you give some of these people 4 - 6 inches and they act like they are buried under 10'. Size matters people. If it's not above your boots it's just a little. If it's over your boots, get taller boots
I have to get ready for work, which I only have to do one more time this week. You see I took Thursday and Friday off from work because I have a wedding to get ready for
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