Office Work, Part Deux: Professional Mayhen

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Morning Deb!

I was so tired (and still am) this morning I forgot to put on mascara. I put everything else on just not the mascara. I look like a ghost I have very very blonde eyelashes. Everyone keeps asking me if I was crying. LOL
Old age happened to him. He's 33, has cataracts and heaves and can't keep weight on anymore. Winter is just around the corner and he's gotten so thin his blanket doesn't even fit correctly anymore. It's time.
I've had him for nearly 22 years so I'm losing a family member. Such is life, but I don't have to like it. DH is taking care of things for me this afternoon, I just couldn't do it, and Jeb is comfortable with him so it's okay.
Morning Michelle, FUDGE!
Want some, now! That is my number one favorite food group.

Morning Belle, morning Sparkles, Bows.

Morning Orchid, got to thinking fudge and lost my mind.

'Tis okay, I am pretty out of it today myself. My oldest horse is being laid to rest this afternoon and while I did my crying last night, I am out in lalaland for the day today. We are telling the kids he passed in his sleep, so no mention of it on FB, please.


Oh Orchy I'm so sorry
Old age happened to him. He's 33, has cataracts and heaves and can't keep weight on anymore. Winter is just around the corner and he's gotten so thin his blanket doesn't even fit correctly anymore. It's time.
I've had him for nearly 22 years so I'm losing a family member. Such is life, but I don't have to like it. DH is taking care of things for me this afternoon, I just couldn't do it, and Jeb is comfortable with him so it's okay.

I'm so sorry!
x 100
Orchy, I'm sorry, too. I have two old geldings that are coming to that age as well. Just remember that you gave him a long and happy life and he was way more fortunate than many other horses. It is the best thing for him that you do, you are willing to endure the pain of loss to spare him the pain of a long slow harsh winter. The end result would be the same, so you are helping your friend be comfortable.


BTW - a week at Laree's suggested get-away would dull the pain, tell DH it is necessary for your recovery...
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