Office Work, Part Deux: Professional Mayhen

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Have you made any soap yet?

Just that one time with Saddi. Now that we have a bit of money coming in, I need to get a stick blender and some other supplies.

You should be able to get most of the equipment at a thrift store.
So there needs to be like 12 of us for one night and one room LOL

It's rediculous. Even the "other" hotel she suggested is like, $200 a night---which is pretty standard, but it is $200 for the ONE bed room.
Just that one time with Saddi. Now that we have a bit of money coming in, I need to get a stick blender and some other supplies.

You should be able to get most of the equipment at a thrift store.

That's what I'm thinkin!
Im smelly.

Since I am not prepared for this party manana, I got cooking.

I started a batch of menudo, a batch of refried beans, baked bread, started maranating the slab meats, patty-ing the burgers, and am about to start the cake.

Meeees a smella like a garbage disposal.

Dare I make ceviche as well?

Dare I go out to feed the chickens and get mistaken for a bucket of scraps?
Best not.

You are a better person than I. There is a reason the kids have birthday parties at the nearest child friendly resturant. I pay them, they cook the food, wear the kids out and deal with the mess. All around win in my world.
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