Office Work, Part Deux: Professional Mayhen

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I like to go to the ER for fun. The inebriated older woman yelling at imaginary people was fun. And my sister got to witness a naked man running through the building and hiding from security. I once heard the dr. ask a teenage girl why she swallowed a battery? Was she trying to hurt herself on purpose? uhh, yeah.

oh fun times...don't even need to turn on the tv.

All we get is um, nothing.

There can be not another soul for miles and still we wait 45 minutes to be seen and get shoddy service.

When I was in the hospital after my 1st heart attack and like on the 3rd floor I think, what I didn't know was my youngest was in the ER with grandma cuz grandma was watching her and walked outside to let the dogs out and came back in and there were huge drops of blood ALL over the floor cuz lil Miss Ava stuck her hand in the black olive can and cut her finger on the lid so she had to get stitches. Well, this all happened right before grandma had to pick up my oldest from school so she dropped my baby off at the ER and left her!!! I swear to GOD!!! I would have went down and sat with her...I would have demanded they wheel my butt down there so I could sit with her. But get this....they put my then 3 year old in a room with the tv on cartoons and brought her lunch...big peices of fried chicken, green beans, milk, orange juice, applesauce, jello, bread and butter and TWO desserts. spoiled rotten
We get good doctors, it's just the ER is ALWAYS busy and if the person isn't dying, it's a long wait and it's a 90 minute drive for the good ER.

So 3 hours driving + 4 hour wait at minimum which will set Grant off, because it'll be too bright, too noisy and he'd be way way too tired, into his meltdown no doctor is getting near him fit of doom that takes DH - a black belt in several martial arts - restraining most of Grant and at least 2 nurses to help hold other limbs THEN maybe the doctor can look at him. Last time, with his lovely fractured arm, it took DH holding him, a nurse for each leg, a nurse for his good arm, a nurse to hold his head and 2 nurses for his broken arm. To get the propofol in him so they could actually look at him and take an x-ray or two. He is the child that EVERY patient is wondering exactly what is happening by the meltdown.

So yeah, unless he's at death's door, he's not going to the ER. Now, if he's awake and not in pain, he's usually pretty agreeable at the doctors.

Sparkles, if Grant gets an IV, it has to be in his leg. Always. Because the doctors can't get one in his arm because he will be fighting them too much. He's FUN to deal with. Really.
Yes ditto for here too.

The Ada Er is the best I've been too but they close at 5 pm.

Oh THAT'S helpful. Be sure your emergency medical condition happens before 5!

Yeah, if the kids are sick before 5 pm, I just take them to the pedi. Geesh.
We're building a new coop inside one end of the horse shed so the two coops can be combined into one. This year's chickens are still in their makeshift open-air coop, now handily wrapped with plastic by yours truly.

I am a rather lacksidaisical chicken owner as well, but this is downright ridiculous!


Do you just google grossly underused words?

oh and my mom uses that word ALL the time!!! She's a retired english teacher...she likes words.
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