Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

None, whenever and no.

OK. I don't check roots (because I'm lazy) as well. Water when the soil is completely dry. All the way through. I prefer bottom watering. And get it somewhere with more light, they're succulent-types, so they do like light, even though they do survive fine without much light. Not too much at once because it'll sun burn though
Entry 1!

My huge marble queen pothos that I’m trying to mature. She’s trained to climb the wall and is doing amazing :)

Second entry

My sundew terrarium jar. It turns a year old this month :D
OK. I don't check roots (because I'm lazy) as well. Water when the soil is completely dry. All the way through. I prefer bottom watering. And get it somewhere with more light, they're succulent-types, so they do like light, even though they do survive fine without much light. Not too much at once because it'll sun burn though
It was pretty wet in there.😳
Were the roots mushy at all? Don't water it for a good while. If many more leaves tuen yellow, feeling more squishy to the touch rather than brittle, you might have to chop and propagate. It looks bad for a while but does wondersView attachment 3593161. By the way, I think I'm in love with the dog that peed on the dirt bag. So much swag
That's the Faker. He's for sale.

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