Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Indoor Plant Show

Yeah! And (after a bit of research) I discovered that it takes roughly 6-8 months for the pods to ripen, and after that it takes 3-6 months to cure the beans by leaving them in the warm sun by day and a cool, dark place by night. THEN! It takes another 6-12 months to fully infuse the vodka they are paired with!! Not to mention, unless they are in one of the few places that have insects that pollinate vanilla orchids, each flower has to be pollinated by hand!
No wonder they charge 25$ for 3 vanilla beans at my grocery store 😬
Entry #2
My Yucca Cane. I bought this a few years ago for my mother but she has since neglected it (I’m surprised it’s still alive), so I care for it now. I just took a couple years worth of dust off it’s leaves 😬
She has the brown thumb of the family haha, she’s told me several times that the plants are my responsibility since she can’t keep them alive.
They all seem fine to me too, but what the heck do I know. Indoor plants hate me, 😂

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