Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #8 - Write and Win!

Hmm...I'm not great with topics, but I can list some (they might be bad). Also some of these might already be in the Learning Center, so if you do one you might just want to check.

~Dealing with aggressive chickens
~A guide to chicken foot splints (when to use them, how to use them, how to make them, etc.)
~When and what to feed chickens (I see a lot people wondering when you feed chicks Layer Feed)
~Clipping chickens wings
~Focus on a breed and write about it (ex. I did Buff Orpingtons)
~What to do with chickens who get excessively pecked (quarantine, no-peck paste, etc.)

Just a few ideas, I may be able to think of a few others and I'll try to write another article too.
Ok here's my first article.

I was originally going to do just "Buying chickens- What to look for?" Then I added "what breeds are right for you", and I did that section first and realized it was really long, so I'm doing two articles and I'm working on the other one right now. Is there any way @sumi you could change the title too "Buying Chickens- What breeds are right for you?"? I can't figure out how too. :/
Ok here's my first article.

I was originally going to do just "Buying chickens- What to look for?" Then I added "what breeds are right for you", and I did that section first and realized it was really long, so I'm doing two articles and I'm working on the other one right now. Is there any way @sumi you could change the title too "Buying Chickens- What breeds are right for you?"? I can't figure out how too.

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