Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #8 - Write and Win!

Or maybe you just want a scapegoat to hold the chickens while they try and murder the one holding them

I have some that are definitely Anti-Bath time.
Does anyone else see the irony here? (Love the new title, btw)

I have an idea for one, But I am not sure it should be in the chicken category, maybe we need an anti duck category for it........ just thinking....

How did I get that??


I want  "Chicken Wrangler" back...

LOL I never look at the stuff on the left hand side the screen!

I think we have gremlins in BYC!

I thought Banty had copied, edited and pasted,  I never knew this occurred.

I can never show my face in public again if people think I like ducks!

I'm dying here... :lau

I can't believe it took you so long to notice!!
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