Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #8 - Write and Win!

Watch it, @buff goose guy , you will end up with a title that says chickens are awesome. Ralph, I am disappointed in you. Just make your fingers type those three little words! It won't be too bad. All that will happen is you lose your dignity, no biggie, right?

Boy, you guys talk a lot.
(and it's not even about articles! but I guess its a good way to get other users to see the contest...
Ralph, I checked the entries sheet for this contest yesterday and noticed we only need 5 or 6 more entries. Are you going fess up so we can get this contest back on track?!?

Yes, or 5. One I need to check out and see if it's o.k.

Ralph, write an article while you're working on the confession.
I can't write an article now, I am in such turmoil over this duck harassment my creative juices are spoiled and picking up duck odors...
Oh, poor Ralph… Don't worry, I understand, it must be hard to concentrate after your closely guarded secret got plastered all over BYC
But with that said, I think you'd do a grand job writing about what is about ducks that makes them loveable? What do you think @BantyChooks ?

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