Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #8 - Write and Win!

Have to go to town to get something for the pictures, then make something to go with the article, then finish writing & download pictures. Whew, I'm already exhausted!
Poor Debby, don't exhaust yourself to much!!
(can't wait to read your article!)
I did not do any pictures in my first two.
but this next one will have one or two.
You can add some pics… We prefer the articles to have at least one in each of them, if possible.
I'm planning on adding some pictures, just haven't gotten around to it yet. :p I'm a big time procrastinator......or maybe I'm just a human, don't know for sure yet. Lol
You can add some pics… We prefer the articles to have at least one in each of them, if possible.

Here someone can use on of these picture....

They can fit almost any article anyone writes here......

I am always willing to help, I even posted my 2 brothers pictures here for someone's use..
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Take your time, Debby! I have finally broken ground on my article........174 words in. LOL
Off to a good start! Looking forward to reading it

Guess I'm doing mine backwards...I have the pictures but haven't written a whole lot yet, lol.
Hey, at least you've got them! I need some pictures of gory wounds, essential oil bottles in chicken pens, and broiler pictures. Got any of those, Ralph? Hey sumi, is iit OK if essential oil bottles have brand names on them, or should I take off the labels first?

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