Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #8 - Write and Win!

all my hard work it gone!!! we had a storm a couple hours ago and the power shut off
!!! well it looks like I'm not entering this contest!

Check your computer, maybe it did an automatic back-up and you could pick back up where it left off? The contest doesn't close until 12-11 so there's time to write something. Hate to see you miss out!
Haha :lol: , which one do you think you'll enter? 

Definitely the broiler article. I have worked wayyyy to hard on that one not to enter it. And I have great pictures to go with it.

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hit all my hard work it gone!!! we had a storm a couple hours ago and the power shut off :barnie :he :hit !!! well it looks like I'm not entering this contest! :(

O. M. G. I am sooooooo sorry. I have been writing mine in microsoft word, and it automatically saves when I get off.

Check your computer, maybe it did an automatic back-up and you could pick back up where it left off? The contest doesn't close until 12-11 so there's time to write something. Hate to see you miss out!

Wait, a deadline has been announced? I thought they didn't do that until they had 40 entries. :idunno
Check your computer, maybe it did an automatic back-up and you could pick back up where it left off? The contest doesn't close until 12-11 so there's time to write something. Hate to see you miss out!

Definitely the broiler article. I have worked wayyyy to hard on that one not to enter it. And I have great pictures to go with it.
O. M. G. I am sooooooo sorry. I have been writing mine in microsoft word, and it automatically saves when I get off.
Wait, a deadline has been announced? I thought they didn't do that until they had 40 entries.

Stop the presses! No deadline has been announced for this contest...I got this one confused with the 11 mini contests going on. Sorry!
Whew. You had me flipping out for a short second there. LOL, there are so many contests I can see why you got confused though. I am almost done with my broiler article, but dangit, it would be much easier if I did not have BYC to distract the living daylights out of me. :th

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