Ended Official BYC Article Writing Contest #9 - Write and Win!

For ideas, how about an article on "Dental care for chickens." Okay, Sumi, please don't holler, I couldn't resist

That could be part of a humorous article on "Things that Never Give me a Moment's Grief" as a chicken owner. You could include such things as hair cuts, mammary gland issues, inflamed saliva glands, nocturnal roaming.... could be fun!


How about teen chicks hanging out with the wrong crowd?
Wish I could enter, but I am not as knowlegdable on chickens. I only know basics... Just have to wait till we have another Other poultry contest. Already have an idea!
I've started mine twice and scrapped it each time. Just can't find the time and composure to think (and type) straight.

Hi Barbara :frow

When you start your page you can always go back and edit it at a later date when you feel a bit more straighter. You know it's those broody hens that are making you not think straight ;)

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