Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-05-22 Pic by Overo Mare


Miss Hoover: Now put paste on your paper. Ralph, are you eating your paste?
Ralph Wiggum: No, Miss. Hoover
Duck looking frantically..."I know they're around here somewhere...darn, where are my keys?
I must've dropped my keys in the snow!
Oh no, I'm going to be late, looking for keys!
Can someone please help me find my keys?
Oh...oops...yup, here they are, in my pocket the whole time. 😆
Mama Duck..."Ok, who raided the cookie jar before dinner? I see an empty glass that obviously had milk in it, and cookie crumbs on the counter. Who did it?"

Little Duckie (with tell-tale milk mustache)..."It wasn't me"

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