Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

Do you wear a mask or respirator when cleaning your coop?

  • Yes - Everytime I'm in the coop!

    Votes: 42 5.8%
  • Yes - Only when doing a deep clean

    Votes: 162 22.4%
  • Yes - Whenever I scoop or scrape off the poop board

    Votes: 44 6.1%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 82 11.4%
  • I used to, but I don't anymore

    Votes: 13 1.8%
  • No - Never

    Votes: 220 30.5%
  • No - Is that something I'm supposed to do????

    Votes: 133 18.4%
  • Other - Please elaborate

    Votes: 26 3.6%

  • Total voters
I really wish my hubby would mask up, even with just a bandana or gator when he's cleaning the coops. We use PDZ, and that crap can really damage lungs. He coughs a lot while cleaning. I use a medical mask when I clean my little coop in the front yard and when I clean my house chicken's enclosures. The dust and down feathers are massive. Plus, you have to think, that dust flying around is like aerosolized poo. I do NOT want that in my lungs.
Photo of Coco just because.
View attachment 3748688
Coco is adorable 😍
View attachment 3746024

We all know how much dust those birds can create, so I'm just wondering who wears some kind of respiratory protection when they are in and around the coop - and when!

Have you had any issues from not wearing a mask?

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I wear mask, gloves , and protective glasses every time I clean the coop.
I live 100mi from Alaska, so I can't clean the coop in the winter because everything is a big frozen block of straw/poop. In the summer I prefer to use wood chips. I go full on safety when cleaning the coop...Hazmat suit, safety glasses, shower cap and respirator with cartridges that filter ammonia, VOCs, n100 particulates and more. You can't be too safe!
Good for you! I'm not that careful, but should be.
True confessions: now that I'm 'even more mature', our son cleans the coop, maybe three times each year. Coming up in March...
An aside: now that we have both poison ivy, and worse yet, poison hemlock, I wear that hasmat suit, gloves, glasses, when working on those devil plants, everywhere. Ugh!
I wear a rubber half-mask with gas filter every time I'm in the coop.
I got some mystery sensitivity to gasses (and dust I suppose) several years ago, where I'll get an instant headache if I breathe in stuff like ammonia. It's also affecting my eyes, but not as bad as the breathing, so I only wear goggles when I clean.

I think it's one of those things where my body developed a sensitivity due to overexposure. Like it just had enough one day. I've worked with animals and on farms all my life, and never wore anything protective before I started getting sick, breathing in all kinds of stuff. (Not trying to scare anyone! It's not normal! I got other chronic health issues, probably making me extra susceptible.)

It's a pain and I wish I didn't have to, but I love love LOVE having ducks and chickens, and if wearing a gas mask is what I need to do, then that's what I'll do.
View attachment 3746024

We all know how much dust those birds can create, so I'm just wondering who wears some kind of respiratory protection when they are in and around the coop - and when!

Have you had any issues from not wearing a mask?

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I’m having major respiratory issues from DEarth getting in my lungs nose ears mouth etc. I need to wear protection but sometimes my ADHD just takes me on unexpected and not planned journeys and I start doing things then all of a sudden squirrel and before I even think of a mask I’m playing in DE and Lime! I also have found I have a straw allergy.

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