Official BYC Poll: How Old Is / Was Your Oldest Chicken?

How Old Is / Was Your Oldest Chicken?

  • 0-3 years

    Votes: 142 33.8%
  • 4-7 years

    Votes: 136 32.4%
  • 8-11 years

    Votes: 89 21.2%
  • 12-15 years

    Votes: 42 10.0%
  • 16-19 years

    Votes: 6 1.4%
  • 20 years and older

    Votes: 4 1.0%
  • I don't keep chickens yet

    Votes: 1 0.2%

  • Total voters
My best feathered friend, Jolene (a BA), was 9 when she went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2019. She was the last of my very first flock of "day-old" chicks.

Bertha, my Little Brown Hen Ameracauna, is about to turn 8 years old; broody right now, but was laying routinely this spring.
Sorry for your loss!! Luckily your little brown hen will "take up the slack".
My flock is still young so mine are still under a year. A friend who lives down the street has 4 hens over 10. 2 still lay once or twice a week. One is a Buff Orpington I don’t know what the others are. They’ve free ranged and roosted in trees for most of their lives.
My buff Orpington is 8. She still lays an egg about twice a week but stops in the winter.💙👍
Somewhere on here there is a pix of ol Beau. He was 10-11 when the coyotes got him. Otherwise he'd probably STILL be knocking around here. He was a gorgeous buff rock and I still miss him.

My oldest hen was a La Flèche x Araucana mix and she lived to be almost 10. She was very healthy and still laying, raised chicks sucessfully every year, but because of an unusually long flock-down order due to avian influenza this December-March, we had to reduce the flock and decided to butcher some of the old ladies (9+, 8 and 7 years), as they already had their fill of a happy chicken life with everything it entails.
We still miss her, but kept her son of last year's hatch which is her spitting image but for the wonderful sickle tail feathers.

Now the oldest are a Silver Laced Black Wyandotte of 6 years and two black La Flèche of 5 years, all still going strong and actively laying.
A pix of Beau I think but I've never tried to do this before


  • Beau.jpg
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