Official Definition(s) of Chicken Math


hahahaha minus one husband = plus more chickens. hahahahahaha
My own chicken math definition goes something like this: Get 14 chickens,then get rid of three,then add six get depressed and tell wifey you wish you got 3EEs and 3BCMs instead of 3 Cinnamon Queens and 3 BOs. She responds that you have reached the "chicken ceiling". So then I go all govt on her well the govt wants to raise the debt ceiling why cant I raise the the chicken........... It was really warm in the coop last night,at least I didnt have to walk down to the coop this morning!
I want to add another "given" to the definition of chicken math.

All chicks hatched by a broody hen are HERS, not yours, so they NEVER count when you are tallying up your flock.

(I have to add that cuz my 6 chickens was 20 until 3 hatched under a broody this morning. One more pipped....But those will NEVER count if you use the above "given" when counting the flock)
My chicken math is quiet simple.
Me "Hunny, how many chickens you want?"
DW "We're only allowed 5"
Me "Ok, then 5 it is"
A few months later 3 die.
Me "Hunny, we need to replace those chickens."
DW "You're right, I think we should get 6 more chickens."
Me "......Roger that hunny!"

I leave all that math work up to the DW and she does a wonderful job with it. I love that woman.

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