Oh dear, do I have a roo? Update!


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Clarkesville, GA
Here are my two new silkies. See the comb on the one on the left? Do I have a roo and a pullet?

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I think it's far too soon to tell.... it could be that it simply has a single comb and therefore appears larger. I would wait a few more weeks and post better straight on shots
Give them some time it could go either way. They are so hard to sex I had a single combed silkie who I could never figure out if he was a roo or pullet. Didnt figure it out till he was 6 months and crowing....
So Lily (my dog) and I hear this noise this morning. It sounds like when the car is already running and you still crank it. Lily looks at me like..."What?" I look in the dining room and there is the little bugger looking out of the brooder at me....he opens his little beak and .....there it goes again! He is a he!
I love to read people's descriptions of their roo's first attempts at crowing. My SO (the country boy) thought our dog was choking to death when he first heard my roo.

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