Oh Happy Day! (yes, baby pics)


13 Years
Mar 29, 2007
So, I was expecting my Ideal order today- didn't sleep well last nite due to worrying that I would not hear the phone when the post office called to say the chicks were there...
They didn't call. I, however, showed up and was knocking on the door at 7-ish this morning anyway.
But, alas, no chickies were there waiting to come home.

So, I called Ideal, verified my chicks were indeed shipped yesterday and assured I would have them in the morning. YAY!

Anyhoo- I stop by the feed store to pick up another waterer for the brooder and to my sheer amazement, 4 little chicks ended up coming home with the waterer!

BUT WAIT!! There's more- I only have one hen old enough to lay, and just recently got her (White Crested Black Polish). She hadn't layed an egg at all since coming home, and so, when I went to the coop to get feed for the babies, there it was! Laying neatly in the nestbox was one perfectly beautiful white egg! YES!!! Our first!

So, here are my 3 new Barred Plymouth Rocks (didn't have any of these yet), and my 1 RIR to go with my RIR roo. (all pullets...I had to do it!) They didn't know the age, but due to the wing feathering, I'm guessing 2 weeks:



Oh--so sweet!

didn't sleep well last nite due to worrying that I would not hear the phone when the post office called to say the chicks were there...

You sound like me. I've only got EGGS coming tomorrow, and I won't be able to sleep--sheesh!

I hope your other babies are okay.
Go luck to you!!! I'm also expecting m chicks from Ideal tomorrow morning. Then if all goes well I'll be a proud momma of 25 baby chicks!!!

I too will not sleep a wink tonight!
Well, I ordered 10. (2 each of 5 diff. breeds-all pullets)- I'm curious about the roo's they'll add, if any. I'm so surprised they didn't arrive today- the hatchery is only 4 hours from me, and they shipped yesterday.
My dozen straight-run standard araucanas aren't due to hatch for 2 weeks yet, much less ship, but I'm already beside myself with excitement. I bet I'll be unable to sit still on the day they're due to arrive! (I'm getting these from an Araucana breeder who shows her chickens, rather than using a hatchery--wonder how that'll affect shipping time? worry worry worry, lol)

HEHEHE and here I was trying to convince my hubby that it made perfect sense for me to drive 8 hours to the hatchery to get them......I will be stalking the Post office when mine are do....

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