Oh My God They're Teenagers!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 21, 2011
Or at least they're acting like teenagers! I've got twelve beautiful roos and twenty hens and we're at the four month mark...
I walked outside Tuesday to feed and water and it was like world war two in the hen pen! I've gotta get the winter palace done
quick, otherwise I'm going to have to put nest boxes in their summer digs which consists of their enclosure, their shelter and a big
maple tree for a roost! Thanks to everyone who has posted their patterns for hen saddles and who have shared all their info on
behaviour, in twenty minutes I found all the info I needed, and in fact was so grateful I immediately became a Gold Feather Member
so that I could do my small part to support this wonderful resource and circle of farm animal lovers!!

Waitin' for mah eggs to start appearin'!
Mine too....have 4 roosters and 8 pullets that are 4 mths old now. This past week the black roosters have been trying to perfect their crow and jump the pullets. They must figure the hens will nail them, because they leave the old gals alone. Got my first brown pullet egg today also!


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