Oh no, chickens got into beds with osmocote


6 Years
Oct 24, 2013
Hi there, we are new chicken owners to 6 Colombian Rocks. We're really enjoying having them around, our son especially. I've been letting them free range in our yard during the day even with the dogs. Things are going well except I noticed that they have been into one of the gardens beds that I totally forgot I put some handfuls of osmocote in a month or so ago. Never use the stuff normally, mostly compost. Acquired a small bag a while ago. Anyways, I just realized this yesterday and in the mean time we've eaten a few eggs.
Anyone know how long it'll take for it to pass through the chicken? Are we going to die?!!!
Just kidding, I'm sure there are some things we have eaten in the past that has far worse contaminants (like canned tuna or Mc D's hamburgers)Anyways, I've fenced off the beds (only two small ones). Just wondering if this has happened before?
Great site BTW
The Pannells
Hello & welcome to BYC!! I just quickly ran through the MSDS sheet for Osmocote. it's practically non-toxic (their words not mine). As you might expect it's basically ammonia & potassium. It would take an awful lot to be toxic to a human given the contents, a chicken however, might be another matter, so keep an eye on them.
You are quite right when you say you have probably eaten something far worse from a can, but I would probably not eat the eggs for about 14 days. I don't think they would be highly toxic, but better safe than sorry!
Phew, thanks for clarifying. We'll refrain from eating anymore eggs, although very painful to see them tossed. From now on nothing but organic compost in the gardens!
I have become very conscious and careful about what goes into the garden since I got chickens - they are into everything!! I even read somewhere that they got into a load of fermenting apples and got drunk...a hens' night out perhaps?
Bahahaha, I'll have to comb through our yard. So not to expect any fowl play.
Oh I could keep going.
Thank you :)

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