Ohio - Seeking homes for surprise mixed bantam chicks


7 Years
Jan 13, 2013
A few days ago something crazy happened. I checked on all four of my little hens that are brooding fake or infertile eggs right now, and I discovered that my Sebright hen was somehow not sitting on infertile eggs as I had thought, but was actually in the midst of hatching a whole clutch of chicks! I never meant for it to happen, and had successfully kept it from happening for years, but she managed to pull the wool over my eyes. Suddenly I have 11 little babies that I won't have capacity to keep, and I'm trying to find them homes before the next semester of school begins in August.

I haven't had any responses to my local ads, so I thought I'd see if anyone on BYC might be interested. I am located in North Central Ohio, and I can arrange to transport these guys to Cleveland, Columbus, or surrounding areas if anyone would be interested in a significant quantity of them. I am not NPIP, but I keep a small, isolated flock and quarantine thoroughly. I haven't had issues with disease.

These babies are a cross between a Golden Sebright hen and a Silver Duckwing OEGB rooster that were given to me a while ago. I already have four of the pair's daughters that were given to me from a previous hatch, so I know what they grow up into. They're really fun birds and I love keeping them, I just don't have room for 11 more. The pictures of adult birds are exactly what the females should look like. They're charmingly small and are black with a delicate cream lacing and stippled pattern, grey legs and beak, and a pretty, Sebright-like comb shape. The females lay very well for bantams and, as you might have guessed, make determined little broodies and mothers. They're great flyers and like to fly up to my shoulders to beg for treats when I walk into the run, and should make a fun, entertaining addition to a flock.These chicks are all identical in color and should grow up to be just like their older siblings. There is only one possible color outcome from this cross according to the Chicken Calculator.

The 11 chicks have been kept in a brooder, and are imprinted on people. I've been making sure to handle them a lot (it's not hard with something so cute!). They'll fall asleep right in my hand, so they're off to a nice start. Right now they're four days old and they're already racing around the brooder box playing catch with a tiny slice of plum that they're not big enough to eat yet. They're awfully cute!

I definitely don't want to seem like I'm plugging my videos here, but I actually do have a lot of videos of these guys that might be useful.
Here is what the siblings grew up to be:
As well as one that includes the parents (that Sebright hen is awfully pleased with herself right now):
And a video of the babies themselves, for what it's worth:

These guys do not need to be taken as pets. I understand that nobody can keep every rooster from every hatch and whatnot. I'd just like to give them a regular, chicken's chance.

Thanks for looking!

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They're adorable!

I'm working on a breeding project that involves sebright and OEGB crosses! I would certainly be interested in acquiring a few. I'll get back to you soon, after I talk it over with the family.

If you find another buyer, don't hold off because of me.
Hey Gita, that sounds like a really interesting project! Let me know.
Thank you Gita :)

The babies have started to find homes and I am so thankful for everyone's interest. Three babies went to a very nice fellow chicken enthusiast today, and four more are pending. I'll have 3-4 left still looking for homes.
I am really interested in re-homing these chicks for you. I would be able to take all 4. We are in Youngstown area. Please let me know if we can help. Thanks.

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