

In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2017
Looking for chicken lovers in Ohio. We are located in Mount Vernon and have just started raising chickens. We have eight: an Asian Black, a Black Sexlink, and 2 ISA brown, 2 Silver Wyandotte and then two that we don't know what they are. And a picture of one of them here and maybe you can help me identify what it is. Quick question, they are going on five weeks old what signs can I l
ook for to see if I've got a rooster? Hoping to find some chicken livers near my backyard to connect with.
Hi, unfortunately we did not realize we had two roosters until their tail feathers were curling and we heard struggling crowing a couple days later. If our neighbours were not so close we would love it.
Looking for chicken lovers in Ohio. We are located in Mount Vernon and have just started raising chickens. We have eight: an Asian Black, a Black Sexlink, and 2 ISA brown, 2 Silver Wyandotte and then two that we don't know what they are. And a picture of one of them here and maybe you can help me identify what it is. Quick question, they are going on five weeks old what signs can I l
ook for to see if I've got a rooster? Hoping to find some chicken livers near my backyard to connect with.

Hello fellow Ohioan!:welcome Be on the lookout for early comb and wattle development (under 10 weeks) you'll look for thickening of the comb and redness. Pullets it start developing a red comb until close to laying. Hope this helps!
Hello from Clermont county, Ohio. I have 6 Americauna hens, 1 Golden Wyandotte hen, 1 Speckled Sussex hen , 1 Barred Rock hen, 1 Black Frizzle Cochin I am starting to believe it is a rooster and then I have my most favorite of them all (don't tell my girls) my Black Copper Maran Rooster. I grew up country and I believe that is how all children should be raised. I live in town but my neighborhood is so family like that they gave me the OK for my rooster. I love the idea of the variety of eggs I will have. I am married for 23 yrs and I have 1 10 yr old daughter who is amazing. I am blessed.
Hello from Cleves, a small town west of Cincinnati, and almost at the Indiana border. I presently have 2 hybrid hens but have had Hamburgs, RIRs, and BRs.

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