Ok I get it !! I will make a bator !! LOL


12 Years
Sep 4, 2007
clovis, new mexico
I was putting off building a bator - because I am not sure of myself with the temps/humidity/and wiring etc..etc..
but all of you that have been hatching babies and toturing me by posting the pics ! LOL
I finally found the water wigglers darn things cost 1.20 each ! got two just in case.
I took the PC fan out of an old computer, have an A/C plug, I have an old lamp that my DH took apart and took the wiring out, but only has one wiring - not the two like the one Miss Prissy showed me so not sure if it will work, still have to go to lowes and get the other supplies -
god help me I think I am going to make a bator !!
And i totally blame everyone here ! LOL you guys and your cute little babies.
I will re-read some of Miss Prissy's post and make sure I get this right. I would feel so bad if I made a bator and something goes wrong and I kill the babies I dont think I could stand it if that happened.

Wish me luck-
Good luck I hope it works
Good luck to you Julie!!! Hatching your own chicks is a lot of fun (well mixed with plenty of anxiety)!!

Just don't forget that the PC fan will probably not be one that can be used with 110 AC house current. It will probably be 12 volt DC current. For it, you will need a power supply that can convert the house current to the DC current that the fan needs.

Again, I wish you good luck!!

I keep telling you guys this forum is bad for your health. I had no intention at all of ever hatching a chick. Here I am, with a homemade bator, all nice and stable waiting for those darned eggs to show up. Everyday, the lady gives me another excuse. I'm ok and understand delays, but I have a bator all warmed up ready to go,
and very little patience.

The only thing keeping me going is that one of my Red Stars started laying I have that egg to look forward to everyday at exactly 1 hour later than the one the day before. (oh yes, I've collected it everyday right on time and all warm still)

I have 4 other red stars that aren't getting the idea though
I went to Ebay to look around and they have these little bators ( like a classroom wouls use ) pretty cheap one comes with eggs - they are small not very many eggs hatch at a time- has anyone had any luck with these bitty bators??


Just had another question -
if i get one of these little bators and it only hold like 6 eggs but I have say like 20 eggs that are fertile - how long will an egg stay " alive "? do I need to store them somewhere to make sure the egg will still be able to hatch once the first batch is done?
Not sure if that made any sense, sorry for all the questions want to understand this egg hatching thing before I start it.

thanks again
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I think the little ones only hold 3 eggs. If you are talking about the dome one.

Also, I don't think eggs hatch very well if held for longer than like 7 days is all.
If I were to do it again, I'd go to a thrift store and try to find a good ice chest to use. My little styrofoam one is just too small, I won't get 20 eggs in there ever. Even 15 for that matter. With my new super- duper Semi-auto egg turner, I will be lucky to get 10 in. I could put a few on the sides, but I think it's better to keep them away from the light.
well I dont think I would ever want to try and hatch 20 at once, I think I will try for about maybe 15 to start or less- thank god I have sometime to get this right I am going to start on it this weekend, and just take my time.


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