Ok I sold my rooster and...


11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
Well I had somebody offer me 15 dollars for my RIR rooster and she asked if I had any hens I wanted to get rid of and I told her I didnt really want to get rid of any of my hens. Well I found out that they have no hens to be with my rooster and he is 6 months old and he is crowing and (trying) to do his other roosterly job. Do you guys think I should sell one of my standard hens to them too? Or do you guys think he will be ok with no hens around for a while? I hate the fact that he will be alone but, he has to go I cant keep him he tries to do his thing with my silkie hens and he is WAY to big to be on them.
My roo has for the most part been with just one hen and he treated each like royalty and each has adored him, and never been harmed. My roo would be lost without a hen to care for. However, some roos would abuse one hen. Depends on the roo. If he has a nice personality one or two is probably fine. If your roo is the type to want to care for a hen he will be lonely without a companion....
jjthink is right too, that the roo - or any chicken for that matter - would be lonely without others for company. I have heard of roos together that make good buddies with each other (no hens with them), and it seems plenty of folks want to get rid of their roosters for one reason or another... The new owners should be the ones posting to BYC - isn't this not your problem anymore?
Well, ya still wanna make sure he's took care of, dont ya?

Chickens is flock animals, I'd send somethin with him cuz I dont know if there supposed to be alone 100% of the time...
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aww, very true. Guess I let my feelings about my loud and aggressive roo (who will be leaving us for a better life on wednesday!) show through.... sorry bout that.
If someone paid me $15 for my roo, I'd bake them a pie

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