Ok, ive never had Guineas.......

Indeed, definitely ideal. Anti-climb and vmesh is all out of my price range tho. My money tree wilted, shriveled up and died in the summer heat, lol
Hahaha, good stories gang. I had guineas in FL before I moved to GA 4 years ago. I only had 3, but in the time I had them, I saw a huge reduction in the fly and mosquito population in my chicken yard. predators finally got them all just before I moved.

Here in GA, I live on 23 acres in the deep woods and on the side of a low mountain. I purchased 20 keats in the summer of '08. The predators decimated the flock down to 3. Those 3 seem to have figured out that they are safer up in the yard, instead of half a mile away at the neighbors, or roaming the woods. I got them for tick control, just like Peeps. Well, I have seen a huge reduction in ticks, scorpions, spiders, moths, grasshoppers, and it's been over a year since we have caught a mouse in any of the glue traps in the house. We only have one hen and every time she starts a nest, it gets destroyed, probably by a possum or coon. We also have rat snakes that eat eggs, but they shouldn't be here muck longer as the guineas are working on them. The guineas sleep in the rafters of my pole barn, about 14 feet up. Yes they do fly, but more like pheasants than chickens. It would be impossible to confine them without a secure top. Mine are always free range and I'm glad they roost in the pole barn as they are out of sight of the owls and out of the weather at night. People that own guineas love them as they truly are entertaining, even if they are like getto street gangs. Try them. You will love them........Pop

Oooh yah, I forgot about scorpions, ick! I am not sure if I have them in my area or if my Guinea Gang already ate em all... never see any tho! Whew!

I only pen my breeders (limited free range time during breeding season, hovered over while they are out and cooped up safe at night), they are my money makers tho. My Free Range Gangstas are worth their weight in gold tho!!! Oh and all my sale birds are penned... so I can catch them easily.

Hiya Pops! Way cool to see a familiar nick

Come visit us more often!
Guineas are great with foxes too.

One day a couple of years ago in the early morning I watched a fox casually saunter up the paddock towards my guinea flock looking for an easy meal. The entire flock charged straight at that fox screaming their heads off, and chased him for two paddocks! (about half a mile).

They really taught him a bit of respect!

my guineas spotted a fox trying to sneak threw the fields, screaming at him
and all worked up....that allowed for the fox to get 'lead poisoning' and the guuineas
rallied around that fox as victors.....real funny to have seen!

they are great at keeping the ticks and such down including the snakes...
Oooh yah, I forgot about scorpions, ick! I am not sure if I have them in my area or if my Guinea Gang already ate em all... never see any tho! Whew!

I only pen my breeders (limited free range time during breeding season, hovered over while they are out and cooped up safe at night), they are my money makers tho. My Free Range Gangstas are worth their weight in gold tho!!! Oh and all my sale birds are penned... so I can catch them easily.

Hiya Pops! Way cool to see a familiar nick

Come visit us more often!

Hiya back attcha. Never thought of making money off guineas. Guess my interrest is getting rid of these hoards of insects that infest this place all summer. Guineas do an admirable job at that task. In FL a scorpion was a huge beast that would really make you sick, if you got stung. Most of them were 3 inches or so and black. Around here we have what the locals call "wood scorpions". Don't think I've seen any over about 2 inches and they're brown. They sting, but it,s more annoyance than anything. They were everywhere when I moved in here. Now, even though we still have a lot of them, the population is nowhere near like it was before the guineas took charge. Same thing with moths. In FL I never had a problem with moths eating my clothes, but here, I've discovered the meaning of the term "moth eaten", and in the summer you can't open a door at night without getting 2-3 in the house. Guineas have really taken a toll on that situation also. The ticks were the main problem. Now I seldom see one. This place is loaded with deer and the ones I've seen in the posession of hunters are matted with ticks. Thank God there is a way to control them. My yard dog only gets them on rare occasion also and that's with only 3 guineas. They've had a couple years to work the place, but I'm mighty proud of them........Pop

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