Ok....tell me everything I need to know about Incubating EMU eggs!!!!!


"Ain't nuttin' like having da' blues"
13 Years
May 30, 2008
Washington State
Thursday evening my neighbor calls to tell me that her female has started laying again and she has some eggs ready if I want to try and incubate them this year. I was going to try it for her last year but it just didn't happen, so tell me what am I getting myself into and what do I need to know about incubating them???

Thanks in advance!
you run the bater at 30-35% humidity, between 96.5 and 97.5 degrees, we turn 3 to 5 times per day, never letting them sleep on the same side each night...mark one side of the egg, so you will know.. i was really suprised at how easy it was to incubate an emu.. much easier than a duck or turkey..please let us know how you do... we have 9 in the bator right now....best of luck
and u'll love it when the eggs start rocking....especially if you talk to them... i know, sounds strange, but we do talk to our eggs....lol!!!!!!!!!!! any more questions, please ask! dana
Thanks everyone!

Neighbor called tonight and is freaked out because the oldest egg is 5 days old.....Am I not correct in thinking that a female will lay many eggs during her laying cycle over several months and the male sets? Now aren't those first eggs she layed still there waiting to be set on by the male until the female lays her last egg? I guess what I'm saying here is that I shouldn't worried about them being 5 days old should I.........?

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