ok this is not going well

Oh, my word! I had this same problem about six months ago! My son's hen wanted to lay her egg in his bed! She loves to hang out with him instead of the rest of the flock! I actually caught her sneaking into the house whenever someone accidentally leaves the patio door open. Here's a pic of her laying her egg in his bed. It took a week to break her of this habit.
OMG!! I'm glad I'm not the only oddball here! And its the same breed to- that's even better!! A whole week? Really?? This morning was enough craziness for one week for me! Well hopefully her protests and the other chickens lonely screams settle down more each day! If not I fear ill have the city at my door again.

Yes red loves being wherever the humans are she could care less about the other birds. she's actually standing in front of me right now waiting to be invited onto the couch/my lap. Little stinker!!!

OMG I'm biting my nails with excitement!!!
I took all the advice you guys gave me (thank you) and filled that box to overflowing with pine shavings. I can see the nest boxes from the livingroom window and this is the second time she has investigated the box!!! She's been in there for a few minutes this time.
she blends in with the box so I can't tell if she's sitting or standing but eitherway she's in there. And the best part is that I didn't lock her in. She didn't do her usual egg laying antics so I didn't even know it was time. He he he. I'm SO EXCITED!!! Husband will never believe me! YEAH!!
It was so cute- she made a not quite egg song and the entire flock ran over to the coop to check on her. I looked out the window and 2 ducks and the other hen were standing below Red (2 story coop) huddled together worriedly looking up. I went to get a picture and of course they all stop being concerned and ran over to see what I brought them

But I got this

And I got the leave me alone growl.

I'm so excited!!!
Yes, the oils in pine are toxic as well--somewhat less so than cedar, but toxic nonetheless. It's less of a problem for animals not confined w/ the pine shavings--most chickens are indoors only overnight and there is usually less bedding (relatively speaking size-wise) in a chicken coop than in a hamster cage.

Spayed/neutered free-running rabbits usually use litterboxes like cats do--hence, they are not confined w/ the shavings either. Even so, since rabbits are so sensitive to toxins, it is safer to use Carefresh or other non-softwood products in their litterboxes.
So I just chased her out of the house (this chicken is nothing if not consistant!) so I ran out to the box to see and the conclusion:


The halleluia chorus is playing in the background!!

She never sings an egg song she does her thing gets up and goes about her day is that weird?? Idk why I ask I don't think anything this chicken does is normal

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