OK to feed hogs raw eggs?

You should be just fine. When my dogs were on a raw diet, I gave them raw chicken eggs all the time. And I know if dogs can have it, hogs should have it just fine. LOL

wait wait wait - HOGS like in pigs... or DOGS like in mans best friend? if its HOGS than i have to hop right in.

eggs are GREAT for hogs! but you should cook them first. it may not hurt them to eat raw but the raw egg has a protein inhibiting aspect to it - so they wont get the full nutritional value for their food.

we boil 'em up and toss them in shells and all - they go, well, hog wild for them!

do you have feeder pigs? someone gave me a GREAT solution to avoiding the extra expensive hog starter. we are having egg-cellent results! lemme know if you are interested and i'll give you our feeding recipe.


now if its DOGS - yes they can have raw eggs. but you are 'creating interest' that you may not want. if the pups figure out them chickens have food...well.. no one likes a egg suckin' dog.
our pig likes to eat whol raw eggs, I think she likes to listen to them crack in her jaws O_O

she's wierd..and overwieght...needs a bigger pen
pigs can eat anything and will LOL! dead stuff and watch your broodies and their chicks
Okay, sign me up on your Hog (Little Piggy) recipe. My children and I are doing 4H pigs this year and have 15 chickens that more than supply us with enough eggs and we just got in another 15 new chicks for 4H and to replace some of our flock.



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