OK to move eggs to incubator?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 9, 2010
Southern TN
I am getting really nervous after reading some of the posts. I have 2 broody hens in the coop with 5 other hens and a roo. My nest boxes are about 2 feet off the ground. I figured hens have been raising chicks for years and years so I thought it would be ok to leave them there and let them set. Now I am afraid what will happen when they hatch. Would it be better to move the eggs to the incubator? They are due to hatch on Friday or Saturday. I was afraid that the move would do more harm then good. Also I have 2 chicks about 1-2 weeks old in the "nursery", would it be ok to add the new chicks or do I need to set up a second "nursery"? Sorry to ask so many questions, but new to hatching chicks and want to do it right.
First off:
Secondly, there is no guarantee that the flock will or will not hurt the chicks. If you have time, keep you eye on them, but moving them to the bator may just keep your bird in broody mode. So you decide!!!!
Thanks for the welcome and the advice. I left the eggs under mama and guess what...they both hatched. I only had 2 eggs under her as this was our first time having a broody hen and we weren't sure what to expect. So far so good...she seems to be a very good mama. I am moving her tonight into a dog crate in the coop. That way she will still be with her hen buddies but the chicks will have some protection. Her sister is sitting on a clutch in the next laying box. She hasn't left her nest for the last 2 days. Both are very protective and puff up and growl when they think I'm getting to close. Should be fun moving mama number 1 (Checkers) tonight. Thanks again.

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