Ok two things

Four days in and one egg out of twelve got cracked by a two claw eleven left. And this is my hopeful beautiful easter egger.
She's very pretty, but apparently clumsy. She looks determined. She will be surprised by how tiny her kids will be. What's the incubation period on quail?
Lol i just got to get my husband moving on the new brooder. We have one but i believe the wire is to big. We have some old wooden dog kennals we going to convert. I havent decided yet if the quail will remain with thenflock after they are big enough or if they will be moved to a avairy. But i am planning on trying to move her four days before the 16 day so that we know if we need to be out there when they hatch or if we can just check. If she wont let us move her i dont know what we are gonna do. I tried moving her the other day might try agian in a minute to the older brooder that i layed old feed bags down in along with hay and see if she stay there tonight if she accepts it i might have it made if not i might be out of luck. The way my husband built the top nesting boxes the hens fly/jump up to it. Its about 2 foot to the poop board from there with no ramp the babies can easly gat separated. Praying she accept the new nest as it will be so much better for her and her babies. My husband wont be happy about her being caged even for a short time but she only gets off her nest when i am outside to began with and she expects me to stand guard the moment i walk way she runs back in lol. She funny that way.
Maybe its just this hen not sure but i am never moving her off her nest again unless i prepared to take over it myself...
... I tried to move her one last time she refused the new nest area went back to the coop and was heading for the roost i assume she thought maybe her eggs were gone so i put her back near her eggs and my three year old started crying so i went back inside taking with me the light so i dont know if she sitting on them because she couldnt find her way back to the roost or because she realized they were her eggs. I ll find out in te morning i guess. I be ok with it i suppose i might be depressed about it for a bit but could be for a good reason i guess and either way its a lesson well learn dont mess with a hens nest otherwise you ll lose.
I don't move broodies until they are hatching or almost done, it's a tense time with me checking on them, I've never had luck relocating them either, they pick a spot and are determined to stay there, hopefully she's back on them.
I am praying she is, i got the ideal from after some research on broody hens sittiing on quail eggs and they us bantams mostly but it works. I googles hen hatching eggs and there was a cute video on youtube and now my phone wont let me play it lol. I see if i can post it tomorrow.

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