ok what's up eggs with no shell

scrambled please

9 Years
Nov 30, 2010
Ok, is it possible for a chicken that has laid several eggs with no shells or shells that are so thin I cannot get them out of the nesting box without breaking them to start laying again? I don't want to cull this girl but I don't know if she is doing nothing because I am not finding weird stuff anymore or if she simple has shut down forever or she is laying, my production is down but I think I recognize her eggs, they were always light brown at the top and went to darker at the bottom but I don't know? She's a sex link.
I have a Production Red that started to soft-shell. Diet has not been changed. Calcium supplement is readily available. She seems healthy and no change in behavior. My only guess is that she is over 2 years old. The farmer that sold me the bird said she always replaces them after 1 year of production because they get unstable afterward.

This maybe inherent to egg production hybrids. My Leghorn of the same age is laying nice eggs, only smaller and lower rate.
She is only one year old but was laying for a few months. I don't think she has laid for months now and she is fat and a nasty bird too. I do have oyster shells free choice and she did stop and peck at them but she didn't take any. Her comb is no longer dropped over too; it is kinda interesting to watch.
One of my BSLs has been doing that for a couple of months (!) now. She's in otherwise good health with a good diet. It's not a calcium deficiency, but I suspect something wrong with her shell gland. I'm hoping that it will improve after she goes through a moult and gives her system a rest, but I'm still waiting for that....

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