Okay I couldn't resist posting lol


11 Years
Feb 27, 2010
For months now I've been trying to get my DH to build me a home-made incubator. We bought everything and then things proceeded to sit and collect dust.

Well, I finally got tired of waiting for him to do it for me, so about 10 days ago I took the cooler out and all the fittings, etc and proceeded to mark things out. I guess that's all it took. DH took over and a few hours later I had a cooler-bator sitting on the freezer stabelizing! :D

On the evening of the 10th I placed 18 of our hen's eggs in there. After turning them 2x a day I finally candled them. Of the 18 I can definately see development (maybe the eye?) in 16 of them. The other 2 don't seem to be doing much of anything. There is a "darker" area in there but no "eye" that I can see. There's definately NOT a blood ring going on and there is for sure a "darker" area in them. I guess it's possible that they are developing slower than the rest. I'm just going to wait a few more days then candle them again.

Heck, even if only 16/18 hatch I'll be jazzed as that's an 88% rate. Of course, we all know the old saying ... don't count your chickens before they've hatched! LOL :)

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