Okay, who has experience with Delaware hens?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 9, 2009
I'm planning to add two chicks to my flock of 4 but haven't decided what breed(s) to get. It's going to come down to Delaware, Barred Rock, or Silver Wyandotte. Delaware captured my interest because of their rarity and reputation for laying large eggs. I like a little more information about their temperament, idiosyncrasies, and any other general comments from present and past owners of this breed.
Go to Breeds and Genetics and look on the Delaware thread- you'll get an ear full! And it's all positive. I just got back inside from seeing my 11 week old Dels and they met me at the door of the coop, all ready to play or eat or see what I had going on. VERY friendly, very smart, lots of fun. I can hold most of mine. They like to perch on my fore arm falcon style, or on my shoulder, pest style. It will take you a while to read all the posts, but there are great pics of people's Dels, too.

I have only one Delaware but she is by far the smartest and friendliest. She's the only one who will run all the way across the yard when free-ranging to greet me and be picked up. Very vocal but in a good way. Has been a very dependable layer so far this winter....it's 7 degrees here in Central VA this morning!
My Wyandott however is just the opposite; wanders away from the group, is a little pecky at the more docile girls. She is curious but can't be caught; not an every-day layer. But what a beautiful bird - everyone loves her looks (gold laced rather than silver).
My dels are by far the friendliest of our bunch. The lead del always greets me in the morning right at the gate. The other two follow me around like shadows and love to peck at anything shiny on my clothes or shoes. When the weather is nice enough to sit in the run and enjoy the chicken antics the dels will jump into my lap and sit there for hours. They seem more submissive to some of the other hens in our flock, choosing to walk away rather than pick a fight. I get an egg almost every day from them, except for a few months during the winter. The eggs started out pretty puny given the size of the size of the girls and still (at almost 1 year old) are not as large and dark as the RIR eggs, but they are good sized. My RIR hens are about 2/3 the size of a del and lay huge eggs.

This Spring I will be trying a sex-linked cross with the dels and my RIR roo hoping for 1) sex-linking that really works so I don't end up feeding a lot of young cockerals until they crow...and I give them away, 2) I want to see if the RIR influence might make the eggs a bit bigger in the females that hatch out of the cross.
I have one Delaware out of 9 hens and she is the friendliest and sweetest right after my Speckled Sussex. I would recommend a Delaware to anyone!

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