Okies in the BYC The Original

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Hi city!!An every one Macy an my brother's girl Brook went to the Senior center to spend the day with the folk's ther...That make's me so happy so proud of her...She said she cryd wile she was ther talking with thim...
The air is sure cold out.Talk to Pat Drew he went to Durant Blue auction last night an bot a few bird's some game stag's an hen's an laying hen's
They didnt have much but he said he was sure going back.....
Hi Michael! I think you are a great father. Macy seems to be a very well-rounded thoughtful person and I am proud of her, too! Congratulations!

Down With Cold - Support Global Warming!

I think I'll head over to Kassaundra's for some Chocolate Mint ice cream...YUM!
Sorry I missed being here for you to be mean to.
I was somewhere else getting being mean too by people there.

Seems to be a trend lately.
Just wanted to do a quick update on the hatch. I haven't had time to catch up on reading posts. We now have 10 healthy chicks in the brooder. We had one more. I thought we had 10 but it was 11. This one was in a longer egg. It finally hatched but had quite a bit of membrane still on it. It is breathing and moving some, so we are hoping it dries out and does ok, but he's still in the bator until he gets all fluffy or we give up on him. The one that was weak and pitiful last night was up and hopping around this morning SO.... let's hope this guy does the same! I am definitely addicted to hatching now. I have already located a local Delaware breeder to get some eggs to start next week!
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