Old Hen Not Returning To Coop


Sep 2, 2021
I am having an issue with a hen. We have an flock of birds with one rooster and two hens left. They are old and most have already passed from aging or illnesses like egg yolk peritonitis. The hen in question hasn't been returning to roost in the coop and we think it is simply her going away from the flock because she knows she is going to pass soon. However, I am unsure. It may be something else.

First, I have the question of whether it is normal for hens dying from old age to stop roosting with the flock. I can't recall if pervious hens stopped, I only remember them isolating themselves during the day. Also, before all of this a hen for a period of time was sleeping near, but not in, the coop. We moved her inside each time and she started returning on her own. We don't know if it is the same hen, but if it is then it probably isn't old age as she would be dead by now.

Secondly, there may be other reasons for her behavior: she may have been the chicken we removed a bumblefoot from and it may be back, we have gotten new dogs and those dogs might have spooked her (though this has started a while after the dogs arrived), or she may be bullied despite there only being two other chickens. Some less likely possible answers are that their is a mite or lice infestation, but the rooster has slept on the floor and is fine; or a predator has gotten in, but that would probably also affect the other chickens; or the coop has too much ammonia, but again that would also affect the others.

Sorry for the wordy post but I just want some help. I plan on examining the hen thoroughly tomorrow but I made this post to help feel better overnight. Would it be good to clean the coop or might that just make her less keen on coming in at night? Also, could this thread be put on Diseases and Injuries? She might not be sick, so I posted it here but if it fits I would also like to post there.
I don't know, but just wanted to say I can sympathize with your worry. I had an old rooster who, as he neared his time, started moving around less and hanging out in strange areas. A couple of nights as I went out to lock up the coop, I found him squatting near the gate. In full darkness. I picked him up and put him in the coop in his favorite corner. No idea why he didn't go in, but it didn't happen again. His feet were in awful bad shape. We culled him last fall, because we didn't want him to suffer the winter cold again or become dinner to a predator.

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