"old" hens- what to do

Bee makes a good point in that "natural" death does not always mean "painless"....folks always want to think those are the same and they really aren't.
Bee makes a good point in that "natural" death does not always mean "painless"....folks always want to think those are the same and they really aren't.

I have 7 year BR hatchery hens. I'm getting an average of 7 eggs from 9 old ladies. I feed them all winter and they start up with large eggs when the days get longer. I've had to put some down that developed egg issues but they don't need heat, the pecking order issues are all resolved and no brooding indoors unless I want to.
It works for me, but I take on extra work to buy feed, they are really pets to me rather than livestock.
Curious...7 eggs every day or every week?
well, I consider my ladies my pets as well, and if they are suffering, I'll have to put them down,,, but how to do it humanely?
Start, my 9 old ladies are giving me 7 eggs daily.
When it gets hot 90+ they will slow down but spring temps and longer days they still produce well for me. I usually get 3 or 4 daily during the heat, but they get lots of watermelon and cucumbers. I also have a mister for them on miserably hot days.
How old are your old ladies?
My old hens have two options when they reach the end of their second laying season. I eat them or sell them. I agree with the husband, feed is too expensive to feed free loading hens.

Just wondering, if hens are too old to lay, should they be eating layer food or something less generic?
Start, my 9 old ladies are giving me 7 eggs daily.
When it gets hot 90+ they will slow down but spring temps and longer days they still produce well for me. I usually get 3 or 4 daily during the heat, but they get lots of watermelon and cucumbers. I also have a mister for them on miserably hot days.

How old are your old ladies?
Ditto Bee...how old are they and what breed??

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