
12 Years
Jun 21, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
I have been reading a lot about the deep litter method, as well as using dry leaves. I raked up leaves last year and shredded and bagged them. I had intended on using them in my compost but only ended up using a bit. I still have 4 bags sitting in my shed that are over a year old. Question: Are these safe to use for coop and run bedding? I'm concerned that since they have been sitting so long, they might be moldy (although the shed is dry). I'm eager to get more down on the ground given these cold temps. Thanks!
I have been reading a lot about the deep litter method, as well as using dry leaves. I raked up leaves last year and shredded and bagged them. I had intended on using them in my compost but only ended up using a bit. I still have 4 bags sitting in my shed that are over a year old. Question: Are these safe to use for coop and run bedding? I'm concerned that since they have been sitting so long, they might be moldy (although the shed is dry). I'm eager to get more down on the ground given these cold temps. Thanks!
I would open them up and smell them, then look them over. If they pass inspection i would think they would be fine.
E22E3C00-D82B-4D11-A78D-FA42ADDD7B49.jpeg 76DE8D60-312E-4B96-AED7-F2420795E151.jpeg 76DE8D60-312E-4B96-AED7-F2420795E151.jpeg My pen is under some sweet chestnut trees and I have filled the run with unshredded eaves. The hens have shredded with scratching and nearly turned it into leaf mould
that I will use on the compost and garden in the spring
I'm over-run with leaves. I decided to put them into the run for the babies. Well...you would of thought I tossed in a coyote by the way they carried on! Once they realized that the "Monsters" were fun and full of little bugs, they totally enjoy them. Oh, and I can add more now without them carrying on like basket cases.
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Chickens are aptly named, pretty much anything new is scary to them. I wait to let them out of their coop in the morning until i have put the winter tarp on their run. Otherwise they would kill themselves trying to get away from it. lol when I add leaves I do it with the tarp as I learned it is much easier to rake leaves on the tarp and then drag them to their intended location. Cuts down on hundreds of trips with the cart.

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