Older chicken with respiratory distress, diarrhea, and tail down


Jan 13, 2023
Hello all!
Our 8-year-old Easter Egger (who stopped laying a few years ago) has had light sage green & white diarrhea dripping down her backside for two days. She also opens her beak with every breath, so clearly some respiratory distress. Her tail is down. However, she is eating well and drinking a lot, still walking around with the rest of the flock, energy seems fine. Her comb is nice and bright red, and she recently grew in her new feathers after a heavy molt so her feathers look fabulous. The rest of the flock is fine, healthy. It's very, very, very wet here in California and they haven't had much time outside of the protected area of their run. They have a dry place to sleep and we just changed the straw there yesterday but it was definitely kind of poopy in there, and I know she sleeps on the floor because she's too old to get on the roost, so I worry she caught something because of the weather and cleanliness. We have not done any treatment. It's going to be raining for another 3 days at least.

Considering her age, if this is clearly some type of bacterial infection, it seems like I should treat her early before she stops eating/drinking/gets listless -- what do others think?
Welcome To BYC

Can you post photos of your hen and her poop?

Check to make sure that her crop is emptying overnight, if it's not, then read the article linked below to begin treatment.

Any lice/mites?
If you feel her abdomen below the vent between her legs, is there any swelling or feeling of fluid or bloat?

Sometimes older hens can have reproductive difficulties and the symptoms you see are due to those. Cancer, EYP, Tumors, etc.

I'd first start with keeping her hydrated and eating. Check the crop and for parasites. If you have a vet that will perform fecal float to check for worms that's always a good idea too.

Welcome To BYC

Can you post photos of your hen and her poop?

Check to make sure that her crop is emptying overnight, if it's not, then read the article linked below to begin treatment.

Any lice/mites?
If you feel her abdomen below the vent between her legs, is there any swelling or feeling of fluid or bloat?

Sometimes older hens can have reproductive difficulties and the symptoms you see are due to those. Cancer, EYP, Tumors, etc.

I'd first start with keeping her hydrated and eating. Check the crop and for parasites. If you have a vet that will perform fecal float to check for worms that's always a good idea too.

Thank you so much. Her crop is normal, emptied. Nothing below her vent between legs --- normal, no bloating. No lumps or anything I can feel along her body. They have had scaly mites in the past but her legs look fine. Not aware of any other bugs in the coop, certainly don't see anything on her body or in her poop.

We went to the local store and got a broad spectrum antibiotic in hopes it's some sort of respiratory bacterial thing. She is on day 3 of 5 now but don't see any improvement. On days 1 and 2, she didn't drink the antibiotic much, but I mixed it with her food and she ate it (although it was clearly bitter because she shook her head when eating!) Now on day 3 she has stopped eating. Not sure how to get her to keep going; see as she hasn't improved, I wonder if it's helpful. Her symptoms are exactly the same -- trouble breathing, diarrhea, tail down. No new symptoms and no change in severity.


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Could she have worms if I see no evidence of them in her mouth or poop? Should I simultaeously treat for worms?

Also, should I use a dropper or something to get the antibiotics in if she has stopped drinking? The dosage was to put a certain amount in a cup of water, obviously she doesn't drink the whole cup per day, but I figure a few droppers-full would get her the dose? I am reading through the posts but not finding answers to either of these... !
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What antibiotic are you using?

The poop reminds me of hens with reproductive issues, but it may be worth deworming if you haven't done so.

If she's not molting, then you can use Safeguard (Fenbendazole). Dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in a row.
Our sweet little Socks passed away last night. Thank you for your support, @Wyorp Rock, so we knew we were doing everything we could. She started eating again yesterday, and took to her favorite foods -- brown rice, blueberries, garden kale, and the seed heads of her favorite grass -- until the very end. She was deeply loved. I'll be writing up her obituary and will post it later.
Our sweet little Socks passed away last night. Thank you for your support, @Wyorp Rock, so we knew we were doing everything we could. She started eating again yesterday, and took to her favorite foods -- brown rice, blueberries, garden kale, and the seed heads of her favorite grass -- until the very end. She was deeply loved. I'll be writing up her obituary and will post it later.
:hugsI'm sorry to hear about Socks.
I'm sure she will be sorely missed.
Our sweet little Socks passed away last night. Thank you for your support, @Wyorp Rock, so we knew we were doing everything we could. She started eating again yesterday, and took to her favorite foods -- brown rice, blueberries, garden kale, and the seed heads of her favorite grass -- until the very end. She was deeply loved. I'll be writing up her obituary and will post it later.
So sorry for your loss. Sounds like you gave her a good life.

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