Older Girls


6 Years
Jul 12, 2013
As my girls start aging, I'm finding that some breeds age faster than others. My EE and Delaware are all over the place, laying and living it up, but my RRs are aging quicker it seems. They are all just over 3 years old. Only a couple are still laying, but that's ok, we love our featherbutts.

I have one girl who was sick for a bit, respiratory, but bounced back after treatment. She seems older to me now. I've been doing a lot of reading and it seems that wattles and combs can shrink with age? Like a little old lady gets shorter with age? LOL She's still eating and runs for her food like the others still, but she's choosing to roost on the lower shelf instead of jumping up to the higher area with some of the other girls. I'm hoping this is just because she aging and not a sign of anything else.

My girls all have their spots in the shed. lol My turkey hen and my Delaware like to sleep together on a flat on the floor, the reds and my remaining EE like to sleep on or in their lay boxes. But Winnie has decided that she doesn't want to jump up to the top. If I put her up there in her favorite box, she'll snuggle down and sleep there, but only if I put her there.

Could she still be tired from getting over the respiratory thing or maybe that kicked up the aging a bit and she's just old and tired of jumping that high? But her comb is still nice and pink/red but looks smaller. She's still clear-eyed and eating and like I said, runs for watermelon and their food still. I wish I spoke chicken.

Any advice for the aging girls?
I switched my hens from layer to a higher protein all flock last year. Many of my old lady birds who looked like they were goners have perked up and they look healthier. I personally think layer isn't enough protein to support many birds through their lives and older birds who have stopped laying don't require the extra calcium. I would suggest you switch to an All Flock ration with a protein content of 18-20% and provide oyster shells in a separate bowl for calcium for your layers.

Yesterday I had a 7 year old EE who hadn't laid in two years lay an egg. I really like the changes I've seen since switching and will never feed layer again.
As I get older, a respiratory infection takes me much longer to recover from. I'd assume it's the same with chickens.

that said, some respiratory infections are chronic and the bird is a carrier for life. Some of the side effects are decreased production and weight loss, general unthriftiness.
Some breeds (mainly those bred for production) age much quicker than others. I'm nto sure that there's a way to "slow aging" if that's what you're asking.
No, just looking into ways to make them more comfy. It's one of my red sex links that seems to be aging faster than the others. But she's still eating like a champ.
I switched my hens from layer to a higher protein all flock last year. Many of my old lady birds who looked like they were goners have perked up and they look healthier. I personally think layer isn't enough protein to support many birds through their lives and older birds who have stopped laying don't require the extra calcium. I would suggest you switch to an All Flock ration with a protein content of 18-20% and provide oyster shells in a separate bowl for calcium for your layers.

Yesterday I had a 7 year old EE who hadn't laid in two years lay an egg. I really like the changes I've seen since switching and will never feed layer again.
I switched to the higher protein for the summer since it's hot and they don't eat as much. I may keep them on it year round. Since only two are still laying (I think) and I don't have them for eggs really now, just my babies, I'd rather them be healthy. I still offer oyster shell to them also.
As I get older, a respiratory infection takes me much longer to recover from. I'd assume it's the same with chickens.

that said, some respiratory infections are chronic and the bird is a carrier for life. Some of the side effects are decreased production and weight loss, general unthriftiness.
I don't think she's laid in a while, but your right, it takes me longer to get over stuff. She's still feisty though. lol Eating like crazy and bonks her sister on the head when they get in her way. So, as long as she's still letting us know that she's in charge, I'm good. lol

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