older hen not laying


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 26, 2014
Palmerston North, New Zealand
My oldest shaver is off the lay, but as its been awhile, i'm wondering if she will start again. I have her isolated as I wanted to find out who was/wasn't producing. She is over 4 yrs old & has featherless patches of skin, some of which on her backside are quite red looking.
so-is it time to 'send her off' or should I hang in there for a little longer?
Yes that's my predicament. It eats but doesnt produce (much). I have enough eggs from my other girls so dont really need her but still im struggling with the thought of 'removing' her. I have red & brown shavers, main production birds which I bought as pullets from a farm so they're great layers.
You have choices; the commercial most cost-efficient way is to eat the hens by the time they are two years old, maybe younger, depending on when they molt. Pet birds in home flocks stay into old age regardless of production. As a home flock owner, you can be as efficient or as nurturing as you choose to be. Some birds can be eaten, or sold or given away, some can stay forever. Birds will develop illnesses and have to be treated or killed. Right now I'm trying to decide if some of my two year old hens need to move on, and which roosters to keep for spring chicks. Decisions! I value longevity, and keep nice healthy birds as long as possible too. Mary

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