Oldest Chicken?

My friend, RIRJen, doesn't get on here too often right now, had a rooster that lived to 14 1/2, he was a RIR, obviously!!
How can I tell hopw ole one of my hens are. I have l welsummer, left, that I have haD FOR l year, bought at a poultry auction, an am wondering howold she is, she is not laying
ive only had most of my birds for a year so nothing to old....

i have one (polish x hen) who i have for at least 3 years. after my polish hens got eaten by an owl i put the rooster in with my grandmothers regular brown layers (sex links of some sort) and one ran off in the bush and incubated this cute lil white polish cross baby, now at least 3 years old (probably 4) laying almost an egg a day (probably 6/week) and goes broody periodocally, raised 2 sebright cockerals last summer
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My fiance had a couple chickens, years back, that lived to be seven and eight years old. He was recently talking to Rosalind Creasy, the edible landscaping author, and she told him that her rooster, who recently died, lived to be 15 years old!

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