Oldish comb injury


11 Years
Dec 3, 2012
Gainesville, TX area
I have a hen I just noticed has an injury at the back of her comb where it meets her head. I picked her up and examined it and it is scabbed over, but has a 'nodule' inside and it is very warm to the touch. Comb does not look especially swollen at the moment. It was clearly painful to touch as she winced when I did. It is not currently bleeding and I haven't noticed any other hens picking at her. She's eating and active. I spend time every day with them and just noticed it so I don't know how long it's been this way.

I will be going to town to get some first aid supplies I don't have and was wondering is blu cote and vetericyn the same type of wound care products but just different names? My plan is to clean it up with peroxide first then put antibiotic ointment on it. Should I use the spray in addition? Do I need to separate her if I am not seeing any bullying or pecking at her?
Can you take a clear picture of the area? And no, there is absolutely no need to separate unless they are beating each other up.
There's absolutely no need to buy both of the products. You could buy either or or you could just use a little bit of your neosporin that you may have on hand.


If I shopped at Walmart I'd buy this instead:

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