Ol'Fashion's buttermilk biscut recipe.


11 Years
Oct 24, 2008
The South
It is really simple.

2 - C. self risin' flour
( keep the flour out, you'll need some for kneadin' your dough)

1/2 - tsp. salt

1/4 - C. shortening/lard

1/2 - C. & maybe a lil' more, Buttermilk

In a medium bowl, mix dry ingredients, then add your buttermilk, mix well.
Place on floured surface and knead for a couple minutes. Then tear a hunk off
and make a little biscut circle. Place the biscuts on a greased cookie sheet and
bake at 400 till lightly brown. (bake at 375 if your oven tends to get to hot)

I like to place my biscuts about an inch a part from each other, just don't
place them right against each other or they will be gooey.

Enjoy, and pics if ya make em'.

edited cause I pushed the daggum enter button for I was done typin'.

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Okay.....this becomes even better if you make your own buttermilk (if you do this, omit the salt)....

Use a 1 to 4 ratio .....1 part buttermilk to 4 parts raw milk......Shake very well, Put in old fashioned gas oven (with pilot light that stays on) or in a warm part of your house....easy for us ....no ac here. Shake about every 3 hours and then no longer than 24 and sometimes as early as 18 hours later...you'll have buttermilk...

Repeat over and over again....An endless source of buttermilk. We use our Goat's milk for this and just enjoy it so!!!!!

Yes, you need gravy.....Or homemade fig preserves....Will be making those this afternoon.....And being from the south,,,we love our homestyle ground grits from a gristmill where we took our own home grown corn for milling....
Why does BYC always make me hungry!!!
Have a blessed one.....MMMMMM where's my chocolate! Wonder how a chocolate biscuit would taste???SMILe.
Yes Yes Chicken Lady, cheese in the biscuits...cheddar is great..

Also, I tried our homemade goat cheese with a tad of basil chipped. Yummy.


I have a recipe for buttermilk pie????

Anyone ever make one!

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