Omega 3 eggs Is it ok to feed flax seed?


11 Years
Sep 29, 2008
I would like to have omega 3 in my eggs. I was wondering if it is ok to feed my girls flax seed and if so whole or ground up seed?

4 bovan browns and 4 americana
I just learned about adding flax seeds myself. I did some research and the maitoba agriculture department offers a good article about this. However they advise NOT to make any guaranties about the eggs because unless you intend to perform tests on them there is no telling how much they are eating/absorbing. So I was thinking it might be best to say my hens diet is enriched with flax seeds to increase the level of omega 3's. Wouldn't want to be accused of any false advertising.

Happy Spring, everybody!!
FYI--flax seed is not a good way to get omega 3s into the human diet. Flax seed has ALA which humans do not convert very efficiently into the forms that are associated with improved health in humans. If you go to research based sites you'll get some good info on this. My understanding with chickens is that agricultural research has found that it is the bugs chickens eat when pastured that raises Omega 3 levels in eggs. I don't know whether studies on flax seed have been done or not. It is certainly possible that chickens can use the ALA in flax seeds and or that they convert it more efficiently than humans and thus feeding them flax seed could increase Omega 3s in eggs. This I don't know. However, I'd be interested in any research that might be put there. What i do like is the idea that letting my chickens out to clean up bugs in our lawn (which is more of a meadow that we do not use chemicals or fertilizers on) may also raise the Omega 3 level in their eggs. Win-win!
It's very ok to feed flax seed. Leave it whole as they can get rancid if the seed coat is broken. Besides, the chickens are very well equipped to digest them anyway.
I think you're supposed to not go over 10% of the diet with flax, or the eggs may develop a bad flavor.

If you want more omega 3 in the eggs, pasturing chickens does the same thing. Just another option to keep in mind for the future.
Thank you. I just saw another post below about flax seed. Thanks again.
I have read that 10% is the max. Has anyone ever seen a difference between the golden flax seed versus the darker seed? At the food co-op I belong to the golden seed is $.30 per pound less than the darker seed. I bought the gold seed this time, just to see if the girls take to it as well. Times are getting a bit tough so we're looking for ways to save a bit without sacrificing quality.
If you're looking to economize without sacrificing nutrition then add the flax seed to your own diet rather than the chickens'. It's a much more efficient and cost effective way of getting more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.
Barb's Organic Garden :

I am selling organic eggs, and am wondering how much flax seed you would need to feed to be able to claim "omega 3 eggs".

I would like to know this, too. I'm not going "organic", but we are "free range/farm fresh/eggs from happy chickens not in cages and not fed hormones". I'd like to be able to boost Omega-3 to differentiate us from the other backyard egg-producers in our area.​

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