Omega 3 Feed residual in Meat?


8 Years
May 30, 2011
Kansas State University has done research for the last 10 years and formulated a livestock feed for cattle that will pass the Omega 3 to the meat. I know Purina makes a fortified feed for chickens and hear about high Omega 3 eggs, but has any research been done as to passing this on to the meat? i.e. a feed for fryer chickens?
I don't have sources for this handy, just what I can remember from various articles I've read, so take this with a grain of salt. My memory could be faulty, but it might give you some search terms to look for in the mean time.

I believe I read that food greens that animals consume like grass and weeds tend to be higher in Omega-3s where as seeds/grains/nuts tend to be less Omega-3 and more Omega 6. Some "weeds" are really good sources of Omega-3, I think Pursulane was one of them (?).

Anyway, this was supposed to be one reason that grass fed beef was better with the Omega-3 fat content versus a grain fed/finished source of beef.

If I had to extrapolate that to chickens, I'm guessing a feed higher in greens would produce a better Omega-3 egg content.

I'll see if I can round up some sources tonight, this sounds like an interesting topic :)
I guess I was leaning for the pass through to the meat.

Although I do free range my chickens & have even thought of feeding the Purina product. I do consume flax as part of my diet. I'm not sure how much is confidential at this point, but I will know in a few weeks.
Not sure how I got confused to think you meant Omega-3 in eggs, sorry :) But if pasture/flax work to up it in eggs it's likely that it also does the same for the meat. No idea on how efficient the conversion from food content to meat content would be though.

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